The Porto Climate Conference – It’s all natural
Global Green Airbag versus Global Greenhouse Claus U. Rieth, The Porto Climate Conference Basic Science of a Changing Climate –…
The science of the people who want to be FREE
Global Green Airbag versus Global Greenhouse Claus U. Rieth, The Porto Climate Conference Basic Science of a Changing Climate –…
These slides prove human CO2 emissions add only 18 ppm to CO2 in the atmosphere while nature adds 392 ppm. Therefore, everything…
by Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics On September 7, I will present a summary of my climate research to scientists at the…
“The simple model shows how inflow affects level, how level affects outflow, and how balance occurs when outflow equals inflow….
Please click on the title below to see my newer post on August 2, 2018, that has been reposted by…
I presented a summary of this preprint at the “Basic Science of a Changing Climate” conference in Porto, Portugal, on…
by Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics These 8 words are the death of climate change: It violates the Equivalence Principle, therefore…
by Will Happer , Tribune News Service (TNS) Albert Einstein would almost certainly have been a global warming skeptic if…
by Edwin Berry, PhD, CCM By private email, a good physicist commented on my preprint, “Why human CO2 does not…
by E.X Berry and K.W. Nielsen, 1966 In January 1966, four explorers flew the Desert Research Institute Beechcraft C-45 through…
by Dr. Ed Berry Al Gore framed the climate debate. He said, human carbon dioxide emissions increase atmospheric carbon dioxide….
by Edwin Berry, PhD, Atmospheric Physics, also published in NewsWithViews Over 4000 people, including hundreds of scientists, read my article “Why…
by Edwin Berry, PhD, Atmospheric Physics – also published in NewsWithViews The genius of Al Gore Give Al Gore an A…
Note: Keith Pickering – an associate of Peter Glick of the National Academy of Sciences – makes the same argument…
by John R. Christy, University of Alabama in Huntsville, February 2, 2016 Testimony to U.S. House Committee on Science, Space &…
Willie Soon, Ronan Connolly, and Michael Connolly published a peer-reviewed professional paper that shows our sun, not our carbon dioxide, causes…