
Only Truth and Courage can save America

Only Truth and Courage can save America

by Dr. Ed Berry There are two kinds of people: those who defend truth and those who reject truth. Those…

Principles and the Lesser Evil

The Voting Principle defines moral voting and it prevails over the Mantras and over those who preach against it.

Accusers who say we have “sold out”, or “flip-flopped” by backing the winner of a Republican primary, are the ones who have “sold out” on moral principles.

Widely accepted moral teachings say when there are “two evils” in an election, we must reject third-party candidates who cannot possible win and vote for the candidate who will do the least evil and do the most good.

Those who say we should not vote for the “lesser of two evils” promote immoral actions and the greater evil.

Those who vote to achieve the most possible good from the options available act morally, logically, intelligently, and according to common sense.

Religion of the Lesser Evil

The Tea Party voting Mantra, “A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil” is invalid from the viewpoints of logic, science, religion, and philosophy. Therefore, the Mantra is a religion unto itself.

Republican leaders must realize the tea party Libertarians or rightwing third-party voters are not fundamentally a political party. They are a minority religion that believes in the Mantra.

Logic of the Lesser Evil

A common Tea Party Voting Mantra is:

“A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil”

Montana’s tea party Libertarians use it as their personal “feely-good” justification to not vote for the “lesser evil” Republican candidate while knowing full well the result of their actions will help elect the “greater evil” Democrat candidate.