Will Montana update its climate law for President Trump?

President Trump has embarked on political path that needs climate truth for its justification. By contrast, Montana has rejected climate truth and has agreed with the Democrats on climate in Held v Montana.

The Montana 2025 legislature has one opportunity to show that Montana supports what Trump is doing. That is to approve LC2205.

Montana’s Republican Attorney General Austin Knudsen purposely lost the Held v Montana climate change lawsuit in June 2023 under the orders of the World Economic Forum.

Some Republican attorneys think AG Knudsen lost because he is too stupid to defend against Held v Montana. Maybe, but that’s not the reason he lost Held v Montana. I was there. I was helping Assistant AG Timothy Longfield formulate the defense plan for two weeks in May 2022. At his request, we worked through holidays and weekends. Longfield was in the process of signing me up to be an expert witness on June 2, 2022.

At the noon Pachyderm meeting in Kalispell on Friday, June 3, 2022, I innocently told a important gentleman, whom I thought was my friend, that I was helping Knudsen defend Held v Montana. I quickly learned that he was not my friend when he became visibly very angry that I was helping AG Knudsen defend Held v Montana. At the end of the meeting, he uncharacteristically rushed out of the room.

When I got back to my office an hour later, I found that AG Knudsen had cut off my communications with Longfield.

Later, I sent an invoice for my work for Longfield to AG Knudsen but he would not respond or pay me. The State of Montana stiffed me for my work. Assistant AG Longfield had not gotten the “memo” that the State of Montana had censored and blocked me from helping the State of Montana defeat Held v Montana. He got the “memo” on June 3, 2022, shortly after 1:00 pm.

In fact, I did not get the memo either. The State of Montana censored me without telling me. Why?

I have seen the face of the evil that controls the Montana Republican Party. It extends to our representatives in Congress. I have seen how they reject climate truth while they pretend to be Republicans.

We could have easily defeated Held v Montana by defending climate truth.

How many millions of taxpayer dollars will the State of Montana pay the plaintiffs’ attorneys? Montana could have saved these millions but instead followed WEF’s orders to lose Held v Montana.

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte was a named defendant in Held v Montana. I personally warned him in May 2022 that AG Knudsen was on course to throw Held v Montana, and I asked him to let me help his to do his own defense. He refused. He supports sensless carbon capture and wind energy and he tells the press that he is a “scientist” which he is not. He does not support the climate truth that President Trump supports.

Montana’s 2025 legislature is now in session for a few months. They are overloaded with bills because their session is short.

The Montana Supreme Court did not review the climate part of Held v Montana, or consider our Amicus Brief with its parties who are elected representatives in Montana. The Montana Supreme Court simply rubber stamped the “Findings of Fact” of the Circuit Court.

These court “Findings of Fact” are now climate law in Montana that our legislature could correct by passing LC2205. The question is whether the Montana’s elected “leadership” will allow the legislature to vote on LC2205.

Below is the LC2205 climate bill led by Rep. Tom Millett. It overturns the “Findings of Fact.”

Rep. Millett asked me to help him draft LC2205.

The 2025 legislature has four other bills related to the Held v Montana climate lawsuit:

They are all good bills but they all assume the Democrat version of climate science is true.

Maybe I have different core values than my Republican friends who represent us. Here are my core values that the other four bills will not accomplish:

  1. Free Montana to use of its natural resources of coal, oil, and natural gas.
  2. Clarify to the public that human carbon emissions do not cause climate change.
  3. Stop Montana’s schools, colleges, and universities from indoctrinating students to believe climate fiction.
  4. Stop the abusing children by forcing them to believe in the climate fiction religion.
  5. Stop carbon capture because
    • (a) it is based on climate science fiction rather than climate truth,
    • (b) CO2 is plant food that we need to survive,
    • (c) it will not lower the CO2 in the atmosphere because we cannot overpower natural CO2 emissions, and
    • (d) it would cost more than America’s annual budget just to capture all human CO2 emissions.
  6. Stop all wind energy projects that tie to the electrical grid.
  7. Support President Trump’s effort to stop the green energy and net zero scams. 

Only LC2205 will counter the so-called “facts” about climate that the District Court and Montana’s Supreme Court concluded in their evaluation of Held v Montana.

Here is the text of LC2205 that counters the court’s “Findings of Fact” about climate.

Please tell me your opinion about this.

How important do you think it is for the Montana legislature to pass LC2205?

3 thoughts on “Will Montana update its climate law for President Trump?”

  1. Ron VanderSchuur

    Dr. Ed: I am not sophisticated as you. I am a Trump supporter that does not believe the left woke positions of today. i also do not believe in the global warming ideas. I am an ignorant truck driver living in a simple world. I’m glad not to be an elitist one world proponent like Gates and all the other globalists. God made me simple so I could keep my head on straight and not be caught up in the melarky of the day. I applaud you for fighting like a tiger for what you think is right. I wish I had your ambition at your tender young age, but I don”t. Keep on keeping on !

  2. I think it is well written and correct in all the points I am familiar with. It certainly should be passed to clear up the mess from Held V Montana and give direction that is either completely lacking of misinformed for future legislatures.

  3. Good legal argument. I see one possible typo. Should “property” in line 20 of p4 not be “properly”?

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