On Friday, I will tell you new and surprising things about climate

The Glacier Country Pachyderm club invited me to speak at its luncheon on Friday, November 20. Their meeting is in the Red Lion Ball Room, 20 North Main Street, Kalispell, Montana. Please arrive about 10 minutes before noon.

You will not be surprised that I will talk about climate. You will be surprised at what I will tell you about climate. No boring slide show about melting glaciers, wildfires, or dying species. In fact, I will not show any slides at all because I want to talk directly to you.

I will tell you things no one has ever told you about climate change.

What I will tell you about climate will give you power to change climate politics. It will give you the power to stop the Green New Deal. You will no longer be intimidated by anyone who tells you your carbon emissions threaten the planet. You will no longer feel guilty about your carbon emissions.

I will explain how the alarmists and the media have led you astray by focusing on the effects of climate change rather than upon the cause of climate change.

I will show you how the United Nations IPCC scientific case for climate change rests upon its core theory that no one mentions but everyone assumes is true. Then I will show you how IPCC’s own data proves IPCC’s core theory is wrong.

This failure of IPCC’s core theory pulls the foundation out from under IPCC’s climate house of cards. All its peer-reviewed scientific papers that have assumed IPCC’s core theory is true, are now invalid. The claims of the thousands of IPCC’s scientists are invalid.

In 30 minutes, you will know more about climate change than the scientists who still claim our carbon emissions are a danger to the planet.

Further, I will show you evidence that IPCC’s error in simple physics is not just and error but a fraud. A trillion-dollar fraud.

6 thoughts on “On Friday, I will tell you new and surprising things about climate”

  1. Jan Hard af Segerstad

    ❌ Hi Ed,
    I’m commissioned to reveal the climate scam by a number of our most renown climate researchers. I’ve asked the Swedish IPCC representative to comment the following facts, in a simple, public event:

    1. Basic Science for Climate Scientists (20 min)

    2. My Gift To Climate Alarmists (12 min)

    I also have about 300 lectures by my principals proving the scam.

  2. Following your lead I have $500 invested in Trump’s election. While I and every rational thinking human being in this country know that Trump won and the election was stolen, the election is going to end up in the hands of corrupt liberal judges at the local and state levels……..

  3. I, like you hope that Trump wins.
    Alas, I am of the opinion that science should never be mixed with politics, something that happens more and more these days. Moreover, it’s becoming clear that it’s all about money.
    I wish you the best of luck with your lecture, and I hope your audience will be convinced.

    1. Dear Mojesmu,
      Too bad you were not around to stop the UN IPCC from mixing climate with politics. As it is now, climate is all about politics.
      So, our effort to correct the climate science used by the UN IPCC cannot be separated from politics.

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