1. CO2 does not warm the surface because it cannot do so. CO2 warms the air and 99% of that is non-radiating, non-GHGs. To put a fine point on it, CO2 absorbs only 8% of Earth’s IR footprint and close to the surface at 400ppm and 288K 94% of that 8% is thermalized (i.e., the energy is transferred from the IR-excited CO2 molecules by conduction [molecular collisions] before they can radiate. Worse: water vapor absorbs half of the same IR frequencies that CO2 does, so you have to reduce this remaining 6% of 8% by half. Finally, what little energy absorbed and radiated by CO2 has to be AGAIN (!!!) by half because half of the radiation goes up, leaving only half to go down.

    What energy from the sun does the earth absorb? Well, officially 164W/M2, but 86W/M2 of that is converted into [surface cooling] evaporation (latent heat) and another 18W/M2 is conducted direct to the air from the surface, which means 99% of that goes to the non-GHGs because the air is 99% non-GHG and conduction goes proportional to the molecules in the ratio of their contribution to the total.

    So we get (164-86-18) x 1/2 x 1/2 x 6% of 8% = 0.077W/M2, or effectively, zilch. Q.E.D.

    For the 94% of CO2 absorbed IR that is thermalized see F.K. Reinhart (2017).

  2. Hi,

    Keep up your unrefutable case!

    Let´s hope that Trump and his party take note – and as a reward will probably prevail.

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