Exposing the Climate Fraud
Work with Dr. Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, to promote the climate truth
that human emissions do not change the climate.
We begin with a summary of why climate truth is important to our lives, our economy, and our freedom.
The climate fraud is based on three invalid assumptions
Assumption 01
Human CO2 causes all of the CO2 increase above 280 ppm.
They say human CO2 is 33% of total CO2 in the air, assuming human CO2 flows out of the air much slower than natural CO2.
Human CO2 flows out of the air as fast as natural CO2 because their molecules are identical.
Carbon-14 data show human CO2 is less than 2%.
Assumption 02
The CO2 increase causes higher global temperature.
Data show temperature changes occur before CO2 changes by about 12 months.
IPCC’s temperature calculation exceeds the value using the Stephan-Boltzman Law.
IPCC neglects that cloud cover (albedo) increases as the ocean surface warms, which controls the temperature.
Assumption 03
A higher global temperature causes bad stuff to happen.
The Berkeley study and other studies show no correlation of temperature or CO2 level with claimed bad stuff or damages.
IPCC argues that 03 is true and that the bad stuff proves 01 and 02 are true.
But this IPCC argument is invalid because effects do not prove their cause.
The climate fraud costs America over $4 Trillion per year
Climate truth could eliminate income tax and the annual deficit of $3 Trillion per year.
Direct costs
USA agencies waste money, time, and talent to decarbonize the free world, to capture carbon which is plant food, to promote irrational green energy and net zero, and to indoctrinate its people to believe the climate myth.
Indirect costs
USA regulations force businesses to support green energy and its taxes.
Deficits increase inflation and distort the economy. USA no longer gives research grants and contracts for true climate physics research.
Social costs
USA indoctrinates students to believe the climate myth. This lowers their IQs and their ability to contribute to our economy and national defense. The climate myth indoctrination was the basis for the COVID myth.
The climate fraud does the scientific method backwards
This reversal proves all climate change arguments are invalid
The IPCC claims…
“Extensive scientific evidence” proves 01, 02, and 03 are true.
Science cannot prove an assumption is true. Science can only prove an assumption is false. People fall for the climate fraud because they don’t know how science works.
Scientific Method
The scientific method says it is impossible to prove an assumption is true, but only one false prediction proves an assumption is false.
Einstein said, “Many experiments may prove me right, but it takes only one to prove me wrong.”
Science History
Aristotle described the scientific method 2400 years ago.
Our schools and universities used to teach the scientific method.
This stopped in 1992 after President GHW Bush signed the IPCC Earth Charter and terminated research contracts for climate physicists.
How can America stop the climate fraud?
Good people must be aware of evil people who help WEF promote the climate myth.
Republicans believe the climate fraud.
With few exceptions, even Republicans have fallen for the climate fraud. The Republicans who let WEF control them are evil and a danger to America, to our economy, and to our freedom.
Montana Republicans lost Held v Montana on purpose for WEF.
Montana voters are mostly Republicans, but they nominated WEF Republicans who now force the climate fraud on the people of Montana.
President Trump is America’s only hope.
President Trump and his chosen few are among the very few Republicans who get it that human emissions do not cause climate change, and who have the balls to oppose the climate fraud.