The Sheehy Reality

Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, CCM

Montana has never seen a campaign as fishy as the cabal’s campaign for Sheehy.

We don’t know the real Sheehy. The cabal writes his emails and produces his videos. He sends us dozens of emails every day. He has YouTube videos everywhere we go.

He has never held a public office. He is not even from Montana. He is not a cowboy. His past record shows he is a liberal. He can’t manage his own campaign money because his present letters say he is running out of campaign money.

He does not have a clue about what Montanans want or need. Sheehy is well fit to be a perfect puppet of Daines, Zinke, and the World Economic Forum.

In the fall of 2023, I attended a Pachyderm meeting to meet Sheehy personally. His talk was a long boring monotone. He held the mic too close to his mouth, overloading the mic, causing big pops from the speakers. When he finished his talk, he disappeared, vanished. He did not stay to meet Montana voters.

Why are the cabal spending megabucks in the PRIMARY election to nominate Sheehy rather than Brad Johnson?

Brad Johnson served as Montana’s Secretary of State and as Chairman of the Public Service Commission. He listens to Montanans and understands what Montanans want and need. Johnson is the best candidate to beat Tester. But the cabal fears Brad Johnson more than it fears Tester.

On May 5, 2024, the Montana Association of Rabbis and the Montana Jewish Project called on Sheehy to reject hatred, antisemitism, and bigotry.

See their full letter here. Here is an excerpt:

As representatives of Montana’s diverse and pluralistic Jewish communities, we are disappointed and offended to see hateful messaging in a recent Tim Sheehy for Senate political ad and in public comments by one of Sheehy’s staffers.

Hate has no home in Montana, and we call on candidate Sheehy and all politicians to reject hatred, antisemitism and bigotry. It’s time to make that a reality every day, and we need all of our leaders to do their part to maintain this great state’s values.

Sheehy’s campaign ad presents Jewish Sen. Chuck Schumer’s face above a pair of hands manipulating puppet strings over the words “radio, TV and money.” The imagery in this ad is blatantly antisemitic. It invokes very old, false conspiracy theories about Jewish people controlling the media and international banking.

Moreover, we recently learned that one of Tim Sheehy’s paid staffers circulated hate speech and supported (by reposting) white supremacist, racist and anti-LGBTQ views on social media.

Caleb Oriet, the paid staffer, has said on social media that Black people are “the most criminal, dependent and socially destructive part of the population.” He also leads the Montana chapter of the American Populist Union, which promotes a white supremacist and neo-nazi platform, including antisemitic, racist and anti-LGBTQ messaging.

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