Dr Ed Berry.
Your approach – physics and math reached the same conclusion I have with charts of ice core data, NOAA data and a trouble shooters engineering approach.
1 Arctic Ice did melt rapidly after the year 2,000, but increased before that while CO2 was also increasing – (Negative correlation)
2 Magma activity under the Eastern Arctic Ocean increased dramatically after 1995 correlates with melting ice. (Negative for CO2, Positive for magma )
3 Arctic Ocean circulates over the magma then follows the Russian Shore; heated water melted the Russian ice; no melting of Canadian Ice. (Negative CO2, Positive correlation with magma rising along the North Atlantic ridge where magma is causing spreading of the ocean floor.)
4 The volcanic chain of islands from Iceland to Russias’ Severnaya all showed 15 deg rises on NOAA’s temperature map and sudden increases in earthquake activity. (positive correlation for Magma)
5 Melting of glaciers and sea shelf ice along West Antarctica’s shore correlates with the volcano chain under the melting ice (Negative for CO2, positive for Magma)
6 Hot spots on the NOAA map occur above mines for uranium or earthquake activity which follows magma activity. (Negative for CO2)
I would appreciate your comments on my book;
POLAR BEARS IN THE HOT TUB – – Their Future and Ours.
Published by Lulu.com Dec, 2018 Also available elsewhere.
Arthur H Krugler
Very Senior Chemical Engineer
Significant experience in heat generation and heat transfer.
Dr Ed Berry.
Your approach – physics and math reached the same conclusion I have with charts of ice core data, NOAA data and a trouble shooters engineering approach.
1 Arctic Ice did melt rapidly after the year 2,000, but increased before that while CO2 was also increasing – (Negative correlation)
2 Magma activity under the Eastern Arctic Ocean increased dramatically after 1995 correlates with melting ice. (Negative for CO2, Positive for magma )
3 Arctic Ocean circulates over the magma then follows the Russian Shore; heated water melted the Russian ice; no melting of Canadian Ice. (Negative CO2, Positive correlation with magma rising along the North Atlantic ridge where magma is causing spreading of the ocean floor.)
4 The volcanic chain of islands from Iceland to Russias’ Severnaya all showed 15 deg rises on NOAA’s temperature map and sudden increases in earthquake activity. (positive correlation for Magma)
5 Melting of glaciers and sea shelf ice along West Antarctica’s shore correlates with the volcano chain under the melting ice (Negative for CO2, positive for Magma)
6 Hot spots on the NOAA map occur above mines for uranium or earthquake activity which follows magma activity. (Negative for CO2)
I would appreciate your comments on my book;
POLAR BEARS IN THE HOT TUB – – Their Future and Ours.
Published by Lulu.com Dec, 2018 Also available elsewhere.
Arthur H Krugler
Very Senior Chemical Engineer
Significant experience in heat generation and heat transfer.