Publications by Ed Berry

Professional Publications

Berry, E.X, 1945: Bright Daytime Meteor in 1945.

Berry, E.X, 1959: The polarization of high frequency electromagnetic waves which are vertically reflected from the ionosphere. MA Thesis. Dartmouth College, Part 1. (Beginning of HAARP)

Berry, E.X, 1959: The polarization of high frequency electromagnetic waves which are vertically reflected from the ionosphere. MA Thesis. Dartmouth College, Part 2. (Beginning of HAARP)

Berry, E.X, 1963: Non-conservation of angular momentum of a weight on a string. Amer. J. Physics, 31, 304-305. (99+) (PDF) Nonconservation of Angular Momentum of a Weight on a String | Edwin X Berry –

Mordy, W.A. and E.X Berry, 1965: Particle growth by coalescence. J. Atmos. Sci. 32, 340.

Berry, E.X, 1966: A convenient nucleus parameter for consideration of droplet growth. Recher. Atmos., xx, 411-416.

Berry, E.X, 1967: Cloud droplet growth by collection. J. Atmos. Sci. 24, 688-701. (Publication of my PhD Thesis) DOI:<0688:CDGBC>2.0.CO;2

Berry, E.X, 1968: Comments on “Cloud droplet coalescence: Statistical foundations and a one-dimensional sedimentation model.” J. Atmos. Sci. 25, 151-152.

Berry, E.X, 1968: Modification of the warm rain process. “Program of the First National Conference on Weather Modification of the American Meteorological Society, April 28–May 1, 1968, Albany, N. Y.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 49, no. 2 (1968): p154.

Berry, E.X, 1969: A mathematical framework for cloud models. J. Atmos. Sci. 26, 109-111. A_Mathematical_Framework_for_Cloud_Model20160204-1714-nhu4ja.pdf (

Beesley, E.M. (and E.X Berry), 1969: An integral representation for the Euler Numbers. Amer. Math. Monthly. 76, No. 4, April. (Based upon my contribution to an advanced graduate math class in 1964.)

Neilsen, K.W. and E.X Berry, 1969: Development and use of an airborne air marker for atmospheric research. J. Appl. Meteor. 8, 502-505.

Berry, E.X, 1969: Convective motion as indicated by visual tracers. J. Appl. Meteor. 8, 506-508.

Ostlund, H.G. and E.X Berry, 1970: Modification of atmospheric tritium and water vapor by Lake Tahoe. Tellus, 22, 463-465.

Marwitz, J.D. and E.X Berry, 1971: The airflow within the weak echo region of an Alberta hailstorm. J. Appl. Meteor., 10, 487-492.

Berry, E.X and R.W. Beardle, 1974: Project Metromex: a review of results. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Sociery, 55(2):86-121

Berry, E.X and M.R. Pranger, 1974: Equations for calculating the terminal velocity of water drops. J. Appl. Meteor, 13, 108-113. Equations for Calculating the Terminal Velocities of Water Drops in: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Volume 13 Issue 1 (1974) (

Berry, E.X, 1974: Comments on “The greenhouse effect.” J. Appl. Meteor. 13, 603-604.

Berry, E. X., , and R. L. Reinhardt, 1974a: An analysis of cloud drop growth by collection. Part I. Double distributions. J. Atmos. Sci.31 1814–1824. An Analysis of Cloud Drop Growth by Collection: Part I. Double Distributions in: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Volume 31 Issue 7 (1974) (

Berry, E. X., , and R. L. Reinhardt, 1974b: An analysis of cloud drop growth by collection. Part II. Single initial distributions.J. Atmos. Sci.31 1825–1831. An Analysis of Cloud Drop Growth by Collection Part II. Single Initial Distributions in: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Volume 31 Issue 7 (1974) (

Berry, E. X., , and R. L. Reinhardt, 1974c: An analysis of cloud drop growth by collection. Part III. Accretion and self-collection. J. Atmos. Sci.31 2118–2126. An Analysis of Cloud Drop Growth by Collection: Part III. Accretion and Self-collection in: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Volume 31 Issue 8 (1974) (

Berry, E. X., , and R. L. Reinhardt, 1974d: An analysis of cloud drop growth by collection. Part IV. A new parameterization. J. Atmos. Sci.31 2127–2135. An Analysis of Cloud Drop Growth by Collection: Part IV. A New Parameterization in: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Volume 31 Issue 8 (1974) (

Berry, E.X, 1974: Weather and climate modification: Problems and progress. A book review. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 55, 1479-1480.

Berry, E.X, 1975: Weather Modification. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Sci. and Tech., 413-415.

Berry, E.X, 1976: Conference summary. AMS Special Regional Weather Modification Conference: Augmentation of winter orographic precipitation in the Western US. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 57, 998-1002.

Berry, E.X, 1979: Windwatch – invented, developed, manufactured, sold, and installed by Berry’s company. This was the first instrument to easily capture the data needed to evaluate the wind-energy potential of a site.

Berry, E.X, R.K. Hauser and W.G. Lane, 1981: Wind Energy Assessment of the Southern California Desert. Vol I. California Energy Commission. 81 Jun, CEC P500-81-025.

Berry, E.X, 2019: Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2. International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol 3, Issue 1, June 2019, Pages: 13-26.

Berry, E.X, 2021: The impact of human CO2 on atmospheric CO2. Science of Climate Change. The impact of human CO2 on atmospheric CO2 – SCC (

Berry, E.X, 2023a: Nature Controls the CO2 Increase.

Berry, E.X, 2023b: Nature Controls the CO2 Increase II.

See all climate papers here: Berry’s climate papers and Andrews’ debate –

Technical Reports

Berry, E.X, 1962: Growth of cloud droplets by condensation, DRI, U. of Nevada, 63, TR 1.

Berry, E.X, and W.A. Mordy, 1964: Cloud particle growth by the combined effects of condensation and collection. DRI, U. of Nevada, 64, TR 8.

Berry, E.X, 1965: Cloud droplet growth by collection: A theoretical formulation and numerical calculation. PhD Thesis. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, U of Nevada, 65, Preprint 12.

Berry, E.X, 1965: The effect of collection efficiencies on droplet growth. DRI, U of Nevada, 65, Preprint 12.

Berry, E.X, and K.W. Nielsen, 1966: Airborne expedition to Yellowstone. DRI, U of Nevada, 66, PSTR 1.

Berry, E.X, and J. Chisholm, 1968: Airborne ground-referenced radar display. DRI, U of Nevada, 68.

Berry, E.X, and J. Chisholm, 1969: An airborne atmospheric research facility, DRI, U of Nevada, 69, PSTR 8.

Berry, E.X, 1969: Atmospheric measurements during the winter of 1969 as part of Project Skywater. DRI, U of Nevada, 69, PSTR 12.

Berry, E.X, special report, 1969: Operation Popeye, Naval Weapons Center, Department of Defense (DOD). Top-secret project to demonstrate dynamic cloud-seeding techniques to produce rain from tropical clouds near the Philippines. Berry assisted DOD to use C-130 aircraft to train USAF B-52 pilots to dynamically seed clouds, for use over Laos and North Vietnam.

Berry, E.X, 1970: A study of hailstorms using airborne radar. DRI, U of Nevada, 70, PSTR 13.

Berry, E.X, J. Chisholm, C. Magwire, and M. Pranger, 1970: Digital computer processing of radar reflectivity data. DRI, U of Nevada, 70, PSTR 14.

Berry, E.X, J. Chisholm, and W.H. Morrison: 1971: Designs for Nevada: A systems look at urban centers and proposal to the Ford Foundation. DRI, U of Nevada, 71, Special Report 1.

(The Ford Foundation offered U of Nevada a $500,000 contract to have Berry to lead a modelling project as described in Designs for Nevada. But the U of Nevada did not want Ford’s money so the project never happened. That is why Berry left the U of Nevada.)

Berry, E.X, and R.L. Reinhardt, 1973: Modeling of condensation and collection within clouds. DRI, U of Nevada, 73, PSTR 16. ModelingCondensationCollection1973.pdf (

Berry, E.X,  1977: Detection of dangerous wind shear on the glide slope by ground-based data sources: a feasibility study. EXB, 77, Sierra Research Corporation.

Berry, E.X, 1977: Energy deviation indicator and thrust deviation indicator: new instruments to help the pilot avoid wind shear accidents. EXB, 77, R&D.

Berry, E.X, 1977: Parameterization equations for the simulation of microphysical processes in cloud models. EXB, 77, US Bureau of Reclamation.

Berry, E.X, 1978: A Design for Water Resources Management in California. California Department of Water Resources, 78, DWR B 52791.

Berry, E.X, 1978: A Mathematical Basis for Wind Resources Prospecting.

Berry, E.X, 1979: Vibration Sensitive Valve Operating Apparatus for earthquake safety. EXB, 79 Jul, US Patent 4,161,183.

Berry, E.X, 1981: Vibration/Temperature Sensitive Valve Operating Apparatus for earthquake safety. EXB, 81 Apr, US Patent 4,261,379.

Berry, E.X, 1980: Wind resource assessment in California. California Energy Commission, 80 May, CEC P500-80-024.

Berry, E.X, R.K. Hauser and W.G. Lane, 1980: Project Windesert: An Interim Report. AIAA/SERI Wind Energy Conference, 890 Jul, AIAA-80-0647-CP. Project Windesert was a two-year measurement and study of the wind energy resources in the Southern California Desert for the California Energy Commission. 1981. $200,000 per year.

Berry, E.X, R.K. Hauser and W.G. Lane, 1981: Wind Energy Assessment of the Southern California Desert. Vol II. California Energy Commission. 81 Jun, CEC P500-81-023.

Berry, E.X, 1982: An Introduction to Wind Energy. ART, 82 Mar.

Climate-related internet posts

A Model for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Abstract. August 9, 2017.

Why our CO2 emissions do not increase Atmosphere CO2: Part 2. January 4, 2017.

Why our CO2 emissions do not increase Atmosphere CO2. December 19, 2016.

Democrats keep lying about global warming. June 30, 2016.

Matthews Bradley promotes Climate Lysenkoism. March 6, 2016.

Elwood and Thiessen promote Cargo Cult Science. March 6, 2016.

Today is Al Gore’s Global Warming Doomsday. January 26, 2016.

Sun not CO2 causes climate change. September 29, 2015.

A Physics view of Climate Change. December 16, 2015.

Climate alarmists tell climate lies. November 17, 2015.

An Adventure in Physics – An untold Story. March 24, 2015.

Nonconservation of Angular Momentum of a Weight on a String. March 23, 2015.

Take the Politics out of Climate Change. March 22, 2015.

Professor Steve Running is not a Nobel Laureate. September 19, 2014.

Physicist makes case against catastrophic climate change. January 26, 2014.

Poll of Meteorologists shows only Half believe humans are primary cause of global warming. November, 26, 2013.

Questions for Professor Doug Coffin on HJ 10. February, 18, 2013.

Montana HJ-10 Rebuttal. February 18. 2013.

Montana HJ 10: “Overwhelming scientific evidence”? February 8, 2013.

There is no Global Warming in Montana. February 4, 2013.

Open Letter to the City of Spokane. February 28, 2009.

First, prove CO2 is a problem. January 24, 2012.

15 Donors have given $2090 to stop the Climate Change fraud in Montana. December 29, 2011.

Oregon Eco-Group files Climate Change Lawsuit against Montana Citizens. May 20, 2011.

The Wisdom of 1946: The Bear that Wasn’t. July 29, 2010.

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