1. Dear Graham,
      You need to make a better case than simply saying the nuclear industry has set a trap.
      I base my support for nuclear on the facts that nuclear is a proven energy source, the new nuclear designs are far better and safer than the older designs, and that the potential for nuclear fusion reactors real.
      I have not seen any valid argument that suggests we should abandon all nuclear power.

      1. Dear Ed,

        If you are to debate with me, you have to be a straw-man-free zone. You should also expect the same of me.

        When you “put” something to someone, it is a hypothesis. Not a “case for the hypothesis”. Your first point is therefore a straw-man.

        Do you concede your first point there? We can then proceed to your second, and more fruitful debate. Thanks.

      2. Hi Ed,

        LOL. Oh no! Your third point is a straw man too! Who on earth told you we have to get rid of all nuclear power?
        Not everyone that disagrees with you is a simpleton. My position is nuanced. Yours needs to be more so.

        The second point is three fold and all unsupported:
        – I agree that nuclear is proven. We have many decades of “proof”. Of what? You do not say.
        – You assert the new designs are far better and safe than the older designs, but once again, new renewables are better than the old too.
        – The third part, that the “potential for nuclear is real” is true, but it does not prove anything one way or the other right now.

        Honestly, Ed. I expected more. Your arguments in favour of nuclear are critically similar to the unsupported, hyperbolic arguments of the climate alarmists. I reckon I could have put a better case for nuclear power myself. Genuinely.

        Yet I do not agree with the conclusions in your article. How can that be?

      3. Hi Ed,

        Just to recap: That is not a strong or objective argument for nuclear power, and I don’t want to defeat that weak argument of yours. Please supply something stronger, or allow me to work with you to strengthen your case, so that we can examine it for its inherent incongruities. If you have nothing, that’s OK, I have much stronger arguments in favour of your proposal than you appear to have judging by that reply, and I will be delighted to post them with your leave.

    2. Hi Ed,

      I refer back to my original comment:
      I put it to you, Ed that you are falling into the trap that the nuclear industry itself has set.

  1. The climate hoax needs to be exposed. I cringe just thinking of all the money that has been flushed down the toilet in the name of climate change. Thank you for what you are doing to bring this into the light.

    1. Researchers get grants to save the planet. If the planet doesn’t need saving then the grants go away. So, researchers give the government whatever it wants.

  2. Thanks Ed for getting the word out on the climate change hoax. and hopefully Trump will challenge Kamala’s eligibility. I’d like to see this issue settled once and for all.

  3. Remember that lies never prevail in the longer run, but often temporarily. Just in cases like this, where true science and polititics clash and many “experts” keep silent or flat out lie for personal/economic reasons.

    We have a similar situation in my country, Sweden, where only one out of hundred “experts” stand up for basic economic science (and very few also in natural sciences).

    Best regards,

    Åke Sundström

    Economist and retired civil servant, author of a book about Swedish climate and energy policy, rejecting IPCC and EU goals and regulations. In Swedish only, this far.

  4. You are so correct; we Republicans, are not united.
    Worse we science educated are not united in our understanding of very important subjects:
    Global Warming, Extreme Weather, Energy Policy.
    And we, the scientists, do not talk to determine what is true!!
    I see data that you ignore – but you have not made time to talk with me.

    You state ” humans have not changed CO2 levels”.
    The attached graph has CO2 data and fuel sources – based on lots of data.
    CO2 was @ 280 ppm until with Chemistry, coal gas was available, and CO2 rate went up @ .096 ppm/yr.
    Then Drake learned how to drill for oil and CO2 started upward at 1880 rate went to .28 ppm/year.
    Engineers started building gas turbines in 1960, instead of piston driven & jet planes filled the skies.
    Now our leaders shut down coal, add 6 hours of solar/wind and 16 of hours of methane burning gas turbines.
    Molecular weight of stack gases prove methane exhaust is lighter than air and rises rapidly.
    Stack gas from burning coal is denser than air and settles to the ground. To figure that energy policy!


    Art Krugler
    125 Sparrow Circle
    Grass Valley, CA 95945
    125 Sparrow Circle

    I feel each of those changes impacted CO2

    Ed Drake learned how to drill for oil

    1. Ed might not welcome this, but I have to speak up for him, as he has others chasing him, and has come back to me more than once. I have read Ed’s work, but as I recall, he acknowledges man’s contribution to overall levels, but disputes the extent of that contribution.

      I am always looking for objective debate of this subject and I can certainly accommodate you in the meantime. I would declare from the outset that, like Ed, I am sceptical about the IPCC and its stance on this, but I do not accept his assertions that nuclear power can solve the problem with or without fossils and renewables.

      Maybe Ed will research some more into nuclear and find that he has been conned by the nuclear industry propaganda. If so, it is an understandable mistake to make when you are preoccupied with the IPCC propaganda problem – as Ed undoubtedly has been.

      Meanwhile, I too wait patiently for a reply.

  5. Thanks to everyone for your comments. I will join your discussion as soon as I can, but my immediate priority is to finish some critical pieces of software so I can keep my website letters going. It will take a few more days.

    1. Oh my God! If it’s software, we’ll see you in a few months. LOL. The work you are doing is essential. Good luck!

      1. Dear Graham,
        Thank you for your concern. I finished the software.
        I am now writing my first newsletter with this revision. I am back to focusing on the climate fraud.

        I moved all my subscribers out of a WordPress plugin to GetResponse. This allowed me to remove over a dozen WordPress plugins, and it makes it much easier for me send newsletters. You may have noticed the new popup box for signups.


        1. Thanks. I’ll watch out for that. There are lots of like minds even at grass roots level. You are filling a huge gap in the CO2/Climate research for them, on but it is such hard for us to get anyone to listen. I’ll keep on sharing your work and hope for the best.

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