Trump must challenge Harris eligibility

The insanity rapidly destroying the USA has gone on long enough and if it’s not properly addressed in the 2024 election cycle, this country will never be of, by, or for, legal U.S. Citizens ever again.

There are only three constitutional requirements for any Oval Office candidate in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

  1. “neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years;”
  2. “and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.”

U.S. laws make each political party responsible for vetting their candidates and certifying them as eligible for the office being sought, before putting them forward. Neither party has complied in recent years.

Kamala Harris

Born in 1964, Kamala Harris meets the 2nd condition of at least 35-years of age, and to the best of my knowledge, she has been a legal resident within the USA for at least 14-years, meeting the 3rd requirement as well.

If you want to get something wrong in our country today, just ask an “expert” for their opinion. Factcheckers aren’t real factcheckers, the news media isn’t real news, social media is a bastion of propaganda, and academia has been undermining constitutional truth for over 200-years now.

No, you’ll have to do your own homework on this one…like I have. I’m not asking you to trust my opinion, I’m asking you to consider my findings, research it yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

Fundamentally, there are only two types of legal citizenship in the USA under U.S. Laws;

  1. A citizen by nature, true “birthright citizenship”

While there are a number of methods within our Immigration and Naturalization laws for a non-natural born Citizen (type 2 above) to acquire legal citizenship in the USA, all of them are part of U.S. naturalization laws, including the 14th Amendment.

“a rule that the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of its birth.” Legally speaking, it’s the opposite of natural born Citizenship.

Again, fundamentally, one who has acquired legal citizenship via any legislative process, such as adopted constitutional amendments and/or naturalization codes, is a “naturalized” citizen by virtue of legislation.

As a result, clearly, this is not what the Founders meant when they established the natural born Citizen requirement in Article II of the U.S. Constitution 237-years ago. The USA was settled, founded and built by “legal” immigrants. It was then, as it is now, a nation populated by people from all over the globe, including the Founders themselves, who had to be exempted from the natural born Citizen clause by the language, “or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;” as they were made citizens via the adoption of the Constitution itself.

In researching Kamala Harris’s life, I can confirm as “fact” the following key points;

  • Kamala Harris was born in Oakland California on October 20, 1964
  • Her father Donald Harris was and remains a legal citizen of Jamaica
  • Kamala Harris is not “black” she was born Jamaican/Indian
  • Her parents married in 1963, and divorced in 1971
  • After the divorce when Kamala was just 7, they moved to Canada
  • Kamala was raised in Canada until she graduated High School
  • The family also spent time in a number of other countries during her raising, not the USA
  • Kamala’s stories about her USA raising are false, as she was raised in Canada
  • Kamala returned to the USA to enter college after High School in Canada
  • There is no record of either parent ever “naturalizing” to become U.S. citizens
  • Kamala finished dead last in the 2020 DNC Presidential primaries, the first to drop out
  • Kamala had less than 1% support from her own party in 2020
  • Over 14-million democrat voters nominated Joe Biden for 2024 Presidential candidate
  • No one has voted for Kamala Harris for president as of this writing
  • Kamala is not a natural born Citizen eligible for the office of President or Vice President

Now, for those of you who think you need the Supreme Court or some anti-American Harvard or Yale “expert” to tell you what natural born Citizen means, well defined in every dictionary, the US Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter at least four times in the 1800s.

While none of these cases were specifically about Article II eligibility for office, they were about “legal citizenship” and in each case, the Supreme Court referenced the correct source of the term natural born Citizen in Article II, Vattel’s treatise The Law of Nations.

To summarize, “the children of legal citizens are natural born Citizens” are “true citizens” via true “birthright.” Children of legal citizen parents born in the country, are natural born Citizens of the country, because… “in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he [she] is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his [her] birth, and not his [her] country.” – Section 212 … “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

In Kamala’s case, Kamala’s parents could have claimed legal citizenship in Jamaica for her on this basis.

Harris is a citizen by virtue of legislative process, known as our “naturalization” process. Therefore, she is not a citizen by virtue of nature, but as a result of legislative action. If the 14th Amendment did not exist, she would not be a legal citizen of the USA at all.


President Trump not only has a right and the legal standing to challenge Harris’ eligibility on this basis, but he also has an American leadership obligation to do so, on behalf of all American citizens who want to end the past practice of allowing non-natural born Citizens to occupy the Oval Office.

Should Trump file such a challenge with the Court, the court would have to consider the challenge quickly ahead of the elections, and they would also have to review the historical background of the Article II requirement for office, as well as past Supreme Court cases involving the subject.

In my opinion, there is no saving the U.S. Constitutional Representative Republic without saving the Oval Office from ongoing foreign occupation.

Nothing could possibly be more critical to the future of our country and the clock is ticking!

While writing this piece, I decided to do a fresh internet search regarding Kamala’s parents, and this was the first thing that came up, reportedly determined by AI (artificial intelligence software)

Shyamala Gopalan naturalization

Based on the provided information, Shyamala Gopalan, the mother of Vice President Kamala Harris, was a natural-born citizen of India. She was born on December 7, 1938, in Madras, Madras Presidency, British India (present-day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) to P. V. Gopalan, a civil servant, and Rajam, her mother.

As a natural-born citizen of India, Shyamala Gopalan did not require naturalization to become a U.S. citizen. Instead, she immigrated to the United States and became a U.S. citizen through the process of naturalization.

Key Points:

  • Shyamala Gopalanwas born in India and was a natural-born citizen of India.
  • She immigrated to the United States and became a U.S. citizen through naturalization.
  • There is no information available on her specific naturalization process or date.
  • As Kamala Harris’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan‘s U.S. citizenship was acquired through her own naturalization, not through her husband’s naturalization or any other means.

The practice of letting those with evil intent destroy our country piece-by-piece must end. I remain hopeful that the American people will end it peacefully via legitimate elections.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

About the Author: Lex Greene

2 thoughts on “Trump must challenge Harris eligibility”

  1. Pingback: Montana's Top Republicans Censor Climate Truth

  2. Wow, just wow.
    Cannot believe that both her parents are members of the communist party.
    How is it possible that no one has published this?
    Why didn’t Republican leadership bring this to light and demand Supreme court settle immediately?
    Sol Alinsky had a star pupil, Hilary Clinton.
    Also had Barry Obama ( not eligible candidate due to phony birth certificate from Hawaii, btw the woman who typed died mysterious death in fairly shallow water) as a student.
    Alinsky was evil as day is long.

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