Here is America’s future
How will they learn to make America great?
We will teach them truth so they will be free and bring freedom to others.
We will teach them to find assumptions in arguments, claims, and conclusions.
We will teach them the scientific method so they will know how to test assumptions.
But here are the PROBLEMS
Our schools are indoctrinating students
…to believe the assumption that human carbon emissions cause dangerous climate change.
Our schools teach students to fear climate change, so they will not challenge the assumption.
Our schools teach them to support a world government to stop climate change.
Our schools help the World Economic Forum control America and make us slaves.
Montana’s obtuse Republican leaders reject climate truth!
They do not lead. They follow.
They stick their wet finger in the wind and follow the crowd.
They purposely avoid climate truth.
They don’t care that climate fiction costs America more than it spends on national defense.
They did not support my Amicus Brief to the Montana Supreme Court.
They censor scientists who publish and teach climate truth.
They help WEF make us slaves.
Our Montana guns won’t save us.
When the gas trucks don’t arrive, we will not travel.
When the diesel fuel trucks don’t arrive, we will not eat.
We will teach them to understand the difference between good and evil.
Steven Koonin’s book, Unsettled, – while excellent – makes this critical physics error on page 68. Here are the quotes from Unsettled:
“The simple fact that carbon dioxide lasts a long time in the atmosphere is a fundamental impediment to reducing human influences on the climate. Any emission adds to the concentration, which keeps increasing as long as emissions continue. In other words, CO2 is not like smog, which disappears a few days after you stop emissions; it takes centuries for the excess carbon dioxide to vanish from the atmosphere. So modest reductions in CO2 emissions would only slow the increase in concentration but not prevent it. Just to stabilize the CO2 concentration, and hence its warming influence, global emissions would have to vanish.
“Carbon dioxide is the single human-caused greenhouse gas with the largest influence on the climate. But it is of greatest concern also because it persists in the atmosphere/surface cycle for a very long time. About 60 percent of any CO2 emitted today will remain in the atmosphere twenty years from now, between 30 and 55 percent will still be there after a century, and between 15 and 30 percent will remain after one thousand years.”
See Berry (2019, 2021, 2023) to read the truth.
IPCC data show CO2 has Te = 3.5 years, or Th = 2.4 years