by Ed Berry, PhD, Physics
No one told the President … And the invaders took over the kingdom.
The New York Times reported on October 23,
“The debate wasn’t normal by the standards of nearly all of American history… because one of the nominees — the sitting president — told one lie after another. He did so about the virus, North Korea, China, Russia, climate change, his own health care policy, Joe Biden’s health care policy, Biden’s finances and the immigrant children who were separated from their parents.”
“From a lying perspective, Trump is even worse tonight than in the first debate … an absolute avalanche of lying.”
Three polling groups concluded Biden won the debate by an average of 15 points.
One reviewer concluded, “Trump needed to make something huge happen. Nothing did.”
And that is the big problem for Republicans. Nothing huge happened. That will affect the votes for all Republicans.
No one can predict the results of the coming elections. But based upon the evidence to date, it is going to take a miracle for Republicans to win the Presidency and the Senate. So, I pray for a miracle.
But my subject is climate change.
So, I will comment on how Trump could have won the Republican elections IF someone had told him the truth about climate. In summary, President Trump blew his opportunity. Here is an analogy to our present election:
There was once a kingdom that had a castle with eight sides.
Each side had a door. When the enemy attacked seven of the doors, the kingdom put up a fight. Observers near the eighth door saw the enemy sneaking in. They told the kings guards. The guards said, “No one ever uses the eighth door, so you must be mistaken.”
So, they did not tell the king.
The enemy attacked the seven doors to distract the king’s army while their special forces quietly sneaked in through the eighth door. Once inside, they killed the king’s guards and took over the kingdom.
The eighth door is climate.
The Dems have convinced ten percent of the 2016 Reps to vote Dem to save the planet from an imaginary climate disaster. (Yes, the polls show that.)
Trump is correct on climate, but no one has told him the truth about climate. So, he argues how the Dem’s climate position will harm our economy. His arguments are correct, but they win no new votes. The undecided voters say,
“What should we fear more, the Dem’s higher taxes or the Rep’s climate disaster?”
Republicans can get 5 percent more votes if they remove the fear of climate change. Republicans must tell the people the only thing to fear about climate is the Democrats’ climate lie. Had Republicans done that, they would have won in a landslide.
I do not blame Trump. He was not at his peak. But even if he were sharp, it was clear that NO ONE told him the truth about climate change. So, if the Republicans lose, it is the fault of those who could have told the President the truth about climate and did not.
Why have our representatives not told the President the truth about climate? It was their duty.
Here is what President Trump could have said if he were properly informed about climate truth. Notice I did not say “should” because that would be a political judgment.
Joe Biden:
Climate change is an existential threat. The scientists say we are only 8 years away from the point of no return. It is our moral obligation to stop our carbon emissions as soon as we can. My program will get America to net zero carbon emissions by 2025. My program has been reviewed and approved by environmental groups and scientists.
Donald Trump:
Your environmental groups and scientists are not experts on the cause of climate change. They are “effects” scientists. That assume they know the cause.
There are thousands of “cause” scientists who study the causes of climate change. And they say our carbon emissions do not change the climate. They say nature changes the climate.
True climate science shows we cannot stop climate change by stopping our carbon emissions any more than the Aztecs could make it rain by cutting out beating hearts and rolling decapitated heads down the temple stairs.
You, Joe, want to cut out the beating heart of America … because you believe in the pseudoscience that our carbon emissions control the climate.
First, even IF you were correct that our carbon emissions control the climate, your program to stop climate change is irrational, immoral, and ineffective.
Economist Bjorn Lomborg – who believes your climate myth – calculates in his book False Alarm that no amount of money spent on trying to control global temperature would have any measurable effect. He says we should adjust to climate change because adjusting is far more economical and moral than trying to prevent climate change.
Lomborg shows that for less than $100 billion per year – a fraction of the amount you want to spend on climate – we can lift the world’s 650 million extremely poor people out of their extreme poverty. This makes your program to spend trillions of dollars to stop climate change, immoral.
Second, the scientists who study the cause of climate change have shown our carbon emissions have little effect on the carbon dioxide level. Therefore, if we stop all human carbon emissions, we could not reduce the carbon dioxide level more than an insignificant amount.
Third, data show that changes in temperature come before changes in carbon dioxide. Yet your climate program is based upon the invalid idea that changes in carbon dioxide change temperature. Joe, your “effects” scientists have their cart before their horse.
It is your moral obligation to review the findings of the “cause” scientists before you go ballistic and decapitate America with your climate change pseudoscience.
Fourth, are you aware that all your climate alarmist claims are based upon the core climate theory of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC? Do you even know what that core theory is?
I thought so. You know zip about climate science. And this is not even the science stuff. So, you are incapable of running America.
The IPCC core theory is “the natural carbon dioxide level stays constant at 280 parts per million or ppm.”
All climate alarmism is based upon that core theory. All the scientists you reference ASSUME this core theory is true. But IPCC’s own data prove this core theory is false. Therefore, all climate claims by your scientists are invalid. More than invalid, they are a fraud.
There is no climate disaster.
There is no climate emergency. There is no need to “capture” our carbon emissions. Our carbon emissions are not a threat to the planet.
A vote for you is a vote to destroy America over the climate lie that our carbon emissions cause all the rise in carbon dioxide above 280 ppm, that this rise increases global temperature, and this temperature increase is dangerous. You believe in baloney science. All three steps of your baloney science are wrong.
A vote for you is like the Aztec’s voting for their priests. Like the Aztec priests, you will take America down.
A vote for me is a vote for climate sanity. A vote for me is a vote to make America great again.
(Get Climate Miracle on Amazon to learn why IPCC’s core theory is wrong.)
I’m from the UK but having studied the climate for years now, I completely agree. Keep it up!
I agree with you. I’m no expert on climate change but I have researched to some extent and I thought the same thing that if Trump understood climate change and I also thought, what’s wrong with his researchers that they don’t give him the information.
I watched a replay on what looked like where Patrick Moore appeared before some committee and explained why human’s are not causing climate change. He used to be, I believe, one of the founders of Green Peace but left because they changed. He’s Canadian and I believe lives near Vancouver.
I also have three ideas on COVID-19 that if he implemented them he would save lives and also win the election by showing his good handling of the coronavirus. I so wish I could get them to him, mostly to SAVE LIVES, because he would be re-elected.
Dr. Ed. Remember President Trump is not a product of government, Biden for the last 47 years has not paid one penny in taxes, because all government employee’s salaries comes from taxing the private sector. Who is pushing climate change, the democrats communist, it is a way to scaring stupid Americans. I look at the things the President has accomplished. like
While I agree that Trump could have done much better in debating the real causes of Climate Change I have yet to see a temperate climate changing into a sub-tropical or a tropical one.
The mere change from “Global Warming” term to “Climate Change” is to add a dramatic-political flavour to a discussion that should have been strictly Scientific.
Just remember: “To get a real answer follow the money trail”.
Climate was always Maurice Strong’s IPCC Charade, United Nations Global Governance was always these Elite Activists only agender! 1947 Strong joined the UN, 1968 David Rockefeller founded the”Think Tank” For the UN proposed Global Governance, Strong became the architect of all UN Global Conferences, their first was Founex Switzerland in 1969, In 1972 Strong formed the UNEP and hi-jacked the Green Agenda, In 1974 Australia Voted for the Lima Declaration as UNIDO, ratified by Australia in 1986 as the Lima Declaration, committing countries to a 25% Reduction in Industry by the year 2000, to Developing Countries, In 1988 IPCC was formed and hi-jacked Climate Science, In 1993 UNIPCC Agenda21 was Signed as Strong’s 800page UNFCCC Global governance for 21st Century!
Climate Science was always Maurice Strong’s IPCC Charade! Global Governance was their Real Goal. 1947 Strong joined the UN, 1968 David Rockefeller and Elite Global Activists, founded the “Think Tank” for the United Nations, Maurice Strong became the architect of all proposed Global Governance Conferences, First, Founex Switzerland 1969. In 1972 Strong formed the UNEP and hi-jacked the Green Agenda. 27/3/1975 Australia Voted for the Lima Agreement as the UNIDO, Committing a 25% Reduction in Industry by the year 2000, to Developing Countries, 1986 Australia Ratified as the Lima Declaration, 1988 the IPCC was formed and hi-jacked the Climate Science. 1993 UNIPCC Agenda21 was Signed as Strong’s 800page UNFCCC, an extension of Global Governance for the 21st Century!
I believe that the President is aware of this fraud that is being rammed down our throats, but he felt it was more politically strategic to simply address the insane cost of the Dem’s Green New Deal instead of attempting to educate many millions of scientifically ignorant Americans, including many Republicans.
The Marxists have brainwashed us incrementally, and it is not easy to undo that brainwashing with easy one-liners. People who do not have a background in the scientific method or in how to lie with statistics are easily swayed. During the debate, Trump resisted the questions of the moderator to trap him into directly saying that he believes that climate change is man-made.
After he wins, I anticipate he will risk coming on stronger about this massive fraud.
Excellent Ed, thank you on behalf of the entire world’s present and future population.
Here is ‘man-made’ global warming destroyed in 500 words (3 minutes) …
… and a single diagram …
Please keep up the vital and noble fight for science and truth.
Dear Ed I took possession of your new book yesterday. Very excited and will thoroughly enjoy. Every word will be carefully considered and reread.
There is no doubt in my mind that people have been brainwashed. The behavioural psychologists are very busy cultivating groupthink.
The acceptance or rejection of AGW has become one of politics and psychology. That is where the battle will take place. You, as a scientist, have engaged with non-scientists and given them support.
My simple plan is to Leaflet with questions about the neglect of scientific principles, the consequences of political decisions based on pseudo-science, the money driving the argument and the ideological motivation for the deception. We are told what to believe rather than convinced by reason. Ask the question and sow the seed.
Questioning works in psychology as well as science and is an antidote for phobias. Exposure to basic questions is lacking, your book will help.
In promoting ‘the season if truth’ the net should be spread widely. All must be drawn and persuaded into reason. The challenge is to free those who have been indoctrinated, and we cannot afford not to challenge.
Whatever people think of Donald Trump as a person, he is the best opportunity there is for a return to sanity. As for the UK, Trump will improve our chances of exposing the greed and the ‘woke’ agenda and I for one will be keeping all my fingers crossed.
You, who say Trump is not doing enough, are all discussing only CO2 as a cause of climate change, you are all just trying to dispute the prosecutor’s evidence, and none are studying, understanding and teaching the actual causes of climate change. This is not Trump’s fault, this is your fault, you have reinforced that only CO2 matters.
Climate change is natural, there are alternating warm and cold cycles. We just came out of the little ice age, a warm cycle now is as it should be if nature is still in control
Leap second additions have become further and further apart since the atomic clock was put in service to measure Length of Day. Sea Leve must have dropped or leap seconds would be needed more frequently.
Herman A (Alex) Pope
Length of day is measured extremely accurately. It is compared to the Atomic Clock.
Sea level changes have daily tides, seasonal cycles, storm cycles, the range of the measurements and the uncertainty are huge compared the their claimed accuracy. They can say anything and no one could prove them right or wrong, but the shorter time of day does prove them wrong, since 1972 leap seconds are added less frequently. If you ever watched ice skating or dancing, you know the changes in inertia, arms out vs arms in, changes the spin rate. More ice on Greenland and Antarctica and lower oceans have reduced the Length of Day. That is Solid Evidence. We do not need to push back on CO2, they have lied about sea level or they just do not understand what is going on, they really don’t even seem to have a clue.
Dr Ed Berry,
In your book, you gave the court case, the defense offered evidence the accused was out of town, they ignored all the prosecution evidence, they won.
Length of Day has decreased, sea level has gone down, there is more ice or water on land and out of the oceans since 1972. Case closed!
Go tell Trump, there is time to use this before the election.
Herman A (Alex) Pope
The following excerpt regarding anthropogenic (man-made) global warming has been taken from the preface for the book, “Clexit”, by Donn Dears, a retired General Electric executive and an expert on energy issues. This excerpt was written by Bryan Leyland, a New Zealand-based consulting engineer. I believe it is an excellent description of this profoundly dangerous and destructive fraud. It reads:
“The book is a valuable contribution to the growing evidence that dangerous man-made global warming is the biggest hoax in the history of the world – and that futile efforts to solve this non-existent problem will impoverish billions of people in the United States and all over the world. Is this what we want?”
For more information please visit and click on Purpose of Petition.