How you can save Montana and win your next election

Ed Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, CCM

If you are an elected or formerly elected Montana Republican, you will soon make a critical YES/NO decision that can affect Montana and your reelection.

As you know, Attorney General Austin Knudsen lost Held v Montana (HVM) in the district court and he has filed a notice of appeal to Montana’s Supreme Court (MSC). Therefore, he is still trying to defeat HvM.

The Dems want to win HvM. All true Republicans, like you, want to defeat HvM. There is no room in the middle.

Winning HvM will let the Dems control Montana’s mining, energy production, economy, and education … and your life.

Winning HvM will let the Dems turn Montana into a pussycat nanny state where we all pay outrageous costs for their unreliable energy so we can work, travel, farm, raise cattle, and stay warm.

Winning HvM will let the Dems continue to scare and brainwash Montana’s kids on their irrational belief that human carbon dioxide emissions will destroy planet Earth.

The Dems climate alarmism is a state religion. Their government pushes climate fiction like dope. Maybe they have convinced you to believe in the climate religion.

Montana’s schools and universities are filled with climate roaches who turn kids’ brains into mush. These unfortunate kids don’t learn how to think, so they become Democrats!

We can stop this IF we overturn and defeat HvM.

But AG Knudsen is limited in the arguments he can make in his appeal.

He cannot make any arguments that the plaintiffs’ climate claims are wrong because before the trial began, Montana Assistant Attorney General Michael Russell stipulated,

“… for the purposes of trial, there is a scientific consensus that earth is warming as a direct result of human GHG emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels.”

That stipulation signed Montana’s death warrant … unless we can defeat HvM.

AG Knudsen can’t reverse his stipulation in his appeal. He can’t argue that the Dems are wrong on climate.

But we can!

You can help defeat HvM by supporting my Amicus Brief that proves the Dems are dead wrong on simple climate physics.

Proving the Dems are wrong on climate is our best chance overturn Held v Montana because we use their data to prove their logic is wrong. The SCM justices understand logic.

You can help defeat HvM by supporting my Amicus Brief that proves the Dems are dead wrong on simple climate physics.

Proving the Dems are wrong on climate is our best chance overturn Held v Montana because we use their data to prove their logic is wrong. The SCM justices understand logic.

Here are the goals you will support when you become a party to my brief:

  1. Prove, finally, in a court of law that human CO2 does not increase global temperature, and therefore does not cause climate change.
  2. Stop our schools and universities from damaging America’s kids’ brains by teaching them science fiction.
  3. Improve education so America’s kids will learn to defend and improve America rather than tear down America.
  4. Reverse green-energy laws that destroy America’s economy, national defense, and close our access to life-giving, abundant, cheap energy.
  5. Let Montana’s elected Republicans freely use our energy and carbon resources to strengthen Montana’s economy, farm and ranch production, and education.
  6. Prepare Montana to survive the next severe drought and eventual ice age.

Like all Amicus Briefs, my brief needs supporting parties like you because the court wants to know that a brief represents many voters.

My brief also needs non-profit groups to be parties. So, please send me your references.

To add your name to my Amicus Brief, or to comment or read my draft Brief, click here.

Do this now before you forget it and miss the deadline, and turn into a Democrat.

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