How much does CO2 warm the Earth?

We have two excellent professional papers on climate change to review and compare. The first is by William A. van Wijngaarden and Will Happer. They calculate the CO2 climate sensitivity – the increase in temperature when CO2 doubles – is 2.2 K for a fixed relative humidity.

The second is by David Coe, Walter Fabinski, and Gerhard Wiegleb. They calculate the CO2 climate sensitivity is 0.50 K for a fixed relative humidity of 0.8.

Both teams used HITRAN calculations. Both teams know how to make accurate calculations. Yet, one team gets 2.2 K and the other team gets 0.50 K.

Who can tell us which team has calculated a more correct value for climate sensitivity and why their results differ?

William A. van Wijngaarden and Will Happer

David Coe, Walter Fabinski, and Gerhard Wiegleb

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Human CO2 does  NOT change the climate.

The sun, clouds, and nature control the climate.

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