1. Aah. The comforting words of Jesus. “The truth will set you free – just not on YouTube, that’s all”. The future is is cross-border, cellular democracies, more powerful than governments. Untouchable by infiltration (too many of them) and one-man-one-vote-per issue. Independent of elections – cells self-elect with members free to transfer at any time. That or similar is the only way out of the global dictatorships.

    1. I don’t understand what that means, “one-man-one-vote” per issue.

      The thing about Sheehy is that after watching his interview on Megan Kelly’s show, I’m not sure if he could understand Climate Science. I am sure he understands the truth. He appeared dishonest during the interview and would not directly answer her questions. I would not voted for him.

      1. Well, Sheehy is elected for six years. Voters followed the madness of crowds.

        Zinke should have chosen Dr. Al Olszewski rather than Sheehy. Al would have made an excellent Senator.
        But Zinke made a conflict of interest deal with Sheehy.

        Zinke, as head of Dept of Interior, gave Sheehy contracts worth megabucks. In return, Sheehy donated big time to Zinke’s campaign, and who knows what other favors.

        1. If you follow Jordan Peterson you would know that he has discussed the types of people who get into politics. There are a large number of Narcissists in politics, but also sociopaths and even psychopaths. I believe that most of the sociopaths and psychopaths are on the Democratic side of the aisle, but there are a few Republicans who probably fit the bill too.

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