Can rowing really help you lose belly fat, be fit and look better?

by Dr. Ed

Here’s a secret they don’t tell you in the big advertising.

The secret to lose belly fat, to be fit and look better is not about taking pills with substances from the deepest part of Africa or South America, or to try to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days.

The secret is to do quality exercise three times per week, consume less sugar and alcohol, and eat good proteins and fats and fewer carbohydrates.

Don’t exercise to burn calories.

Instead, do quality interval exercises that take little time, to increase your muscle mass and strength. Then your muscles will burn calories and fat 24-hours a day, even while you sleep. We focus on rowing distances from 100 meters to 2000 meters. Intervals are better for your fitness than the longer distances. Personally, I seldom row more than 500 meters in an interval. But you may prefer rowing up to 2000 meters.

Focus on fitness. Your looks will follow.

Athletic performance defines fitness. Fitness is the combination of strength, speed and endurance. Fitness includes coordination, flexibility, and balance.

To be fit, you do not need to do hundreds of different exercises, or exercises that isolate individual muscles. It is better for you to do simple, fun, full-body exercises to increase your strength, speed, and endurance, without hurting your joints.

An Olympic sprinter does not do hundreds of different exercises. A sprinter runs intervals at different distances and speeds. The sprinter thereby achieves fitness.

Rowing may be the best way to lose belly fat, get fit, look better, and live longer.

Done correctly, rowing is a more complete exercise than weights and all other specialty equipment in the gym. Rowing will improve your whole body. It flatten your stomach and strengthen your back, torso, legs, shoulders, arms.

Rowing is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens your bones. Rowing is a low-impact exercise that moves all your major joints but does not hurt them.

A Concept 2 rower is easy to own and use at home or office, or to use in a gym.

If you can sit on a rower seat and put your feet in the foot blocks, and remove your feet and stand up, then you can row for exercise. Even if you need help to sit down and stand up, you still can row for exercise.

Row Tribe helps you lose fat, be fit, and look good.

I created RowTribe to help you achieve better health and fitness, so you can look better and feel better, with minimum time expended … no matter what your age.

Row Tribe is an online community, with an instructional course and group coaching by me. It will focus on the Concept 2 rower, sensible diet and supplements, and a fitness lifestyle.

I’m Dr. Ed Berry. I am a world-class rower, sailor, and athlete, with a PhD in physics. My all-round athletic performance in graduate school earned me a membership in the elite Sigma Delta Psi national athletic honorary.

I am 82 years old and in excellent health. In Concept 2 rowing, I hold world first places for age-group 80 to 89, lightweight, in 100 meters, 500 meters, 1000 meters, and one-minute races. A few heavyweight guys beat me, but I remain in the world top three even when I compete with the big boys.

I understand the physics of the human body. I have done baseball, track, swimming, gymnastics, trampoline, weight lifting, karate, small boat sailing, biathlons, and triathlons.

No matter what your athletic experience, present fitness or age, I will help you improve your physical performance. As a result, you will look better and feel better… and maybe live longer.

I don’t do long, boring rowing! I train like a sprinter. I show you how to achieve your best fitness in the shortest amount of time, and how to keep your workouts fun rather than boring.

As you may have noticed, sprinters are have the best bodies in track. You can achieve similar fitness, within your personal ability, by using a rower.

The thing is, you must learn the proper form before you can row for fitness. I explain why my rowing form is faster and safer than what others teach.

I do not use drugs, steroids, or chemicals. I show you the supplements I take and where I buy them.

Join Row Tribe now.

If you are busy, like me, with little time for health and fitness, RowTribe is for you.

Click the RowTribe button below to learn how you can be more productive, happy, and free.

The best time to begin a quality exercise program is now.


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