by Terry Oldberg
I am attempting to correct an error in Wikipedia’s article on Earth’s climate system as it is currently written. Unfortunately, Wikipedia will not let me update its article.
The error is to mistake an “abstract” event of the future for Earth’s climate system for a “concrete” event of the future for this system, where an “abstract” event of the future is “abstracted” (removed) from a location in space and time whereas a “concrete” event of the future has such a location.
This fallacy is evident in Wikipedua’s article in the description of the composition of Earth’s climate system as the atmosphere. “hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere; each of these objects lacks a location in space and time thus being an example of an “abstract” object.
In another application of the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness, climatologists overlook the absence from the argument made by an IPCC climate model of a partition of time, each element of which is the location in time of an event of the future for Earth’s climate system.
This mistake has led climatologists to push the false narrative of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) unless the world economy is decarbonized.
Believers in this false narrative are currently pushing back against my attempt at correcting this error. This pushback is currently having disastrous concsequences for the people of this world.
Under the scientific method of investigation, scientists exchange opposing arguments, and in this way advance the sciences through the elimination of faulty arguments made by models of physical systems.
However, their belief in the false narrative of CAGW has led climatologists to abandon the exchange of opposing arguments in favor of dogmatic assertion of the false narrative of CAGW.
One of the places in which dogmatic assertion of CAGW is happening is here in the log that is called “Talk.”
Terry Oldberg bio
- B.M.E. degree, Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
- M.S.E. degree, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
- M.S.E.E. degree, Electrical Engineering, Santa Clara University
- PE, nuclear engineering, State of California
- Engineer, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Senior Engineer, General Electric Company, Breeder Reactor Development Operation
- Principal Engineer, PictureTel Corporation
- Project Manager, Electric Power Research Institute
- Referee, IPCC Climate Assessment Report 6
- Numerous publications in the peer reviewed literature of global warming climatology
- Discoverer of the fact that the runs of the IPCC convey nil information gain about the outcomes of the events of the future for Earth’s climate system to a would-be regulator of these outcomes, precluding regulation of these outcomes by this would be regulator of them.
- Discoverer of the fact that the argument made by an IPCC climate model violates all three of Aristotle’s Laws of thought.
Please make it down l able!