- Climate Miracle
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 – A Critical Climate Debate
- 1.1 There are two kinds of climate scientists
- 1.2 Ice core data underrepresent actual CO2
- 1.3 Effects do not prove their cause
- 1.4 Human CO2 does not stick in the atmosphere
- 1.5 Sum of human CO2 proves nature caused the increase
- 1.6 Statistics prove nature caused the increase
- 1.7 People believe human CO2 caused the increase
- 1.8 IPCC’s carbon cycle shows nature caused the increase
- 1.9 We don’t control the climate
- Chapter 2 – Climate Change Basics
- 2.1 Define climate change
- 2.2 Define the units to measure carbon
- 2.3 IPCC’s three theories
- 2.4 There are two kinds of climate scientists
- 2.5 IPCC’s core theory
- 2.6 IPCC’s second theory is also wrong
- 2.7 IPCC’s third theory is an illusion
- Chapter 3 – IPCC’s Core Theory
- 3.1 The Equivalence Principle for climate
- 3.2 Human CO2 does not stick in the atmosphere
- 3.3 Sum of human CO2
- 3.4 Direct CO2 data prove IPCC’s theory is wrong
- 3.5 Leaf stomata data prove IPCC’s theory is wrong
- 3.6 Statistics prove IPCC’s core theory is wrong
- 3.7 IPCC’s real mission
- Chapter 4 – Climate Change Physics
- 4.1 The physics model description
- 4.2 The origin of IPCC’s climate alarmism
- 4.3 IPCC’s carbon cycle
- 4.4 IPCC’s natural carbon cycle
- 4.5 IPCC’s human carbon cycle
- 4.6 The IPCC needs a demon for its human carbon cycle
- 4.7 The physics model human carbon cycle model
- 4.8 Error bounds for these calculations
- 4.9 History of these carbon cycle calculations
- Chapter 5 – The Scientific Method
- 5.1 Prosecution says Smith killed Jones
- 5.2 The scientific method defined
- 5.3 Consensus is not science
- 5.4 The scientific method and complex theories
- 5.5 The difference between science and religion
- Chapter 6 – Cargo Cult Science
- 6.1 The climate myth cripples America
- 6.2 Cargo Cult Science
- 6.3 The Aztecs believed a climate myth
- 6.4 Confirmation bias wrecks your thinking
- 6.5 Effects do not prove their cause
- 6.6 What is not a scientific argument
- 6.7 California fires
- 6.8 CO2 does not cause more severe weather
- Chapter 7 – The Climate Myth Origin
- 7.1 How climate alarmism began
- 7.2 The UN protects and promotes climate theory
- 7.3 The Brundtland report, 1987
- 7.4 The IPCC is born, 1988
- 7.5 America promotes the IPCC, 1988
- 7.6 Earth Summit, 1992
- 7.7 Strong becomes UN Under-Secretary General, 1997
- 7.8 Environmentalism
- 7.9 Political actions
- Chapter 8 –The Trillion Dollar Fraud
- 8.1 IPCC’s core theory is the natural CO2 level stayed constant at 280 ppm before and after 1750
- 8.2 Multiple lines of evidence prove IPCC’s core theory is wrong
- 8.3 A simple physics carbon cycle model replicates IPCC’s data for its natural carbon cycle
- 8.4 The true human carbon cycle shows:
- 8.5 This proof that IPCC’s core theory is false means:
- 8.6 What would Dorothy do?
- References
- Acknowledgements
- Enthusiastic Recommendations
- About the Author
- Climate Miracle
- Hiring Dr. Ed to speak
- Hiring Dr. Ed for Consulting. Social Media