Open Letter to the Chancellor of Germany by 130 Scientists

Here are the key points in the German letter:

  1. Information known before the IPCC was founded shows that human CO2 emissions have no measurable effect on global warming.
  2. The atmosphere has not warmed in the last 10 years and has cooled significantly since 2003.
  3. The expensive IPCC climate models predicted steady warming but the opposite has occurred.
  4. Growing evidence continues to show human CO2 plays no measurable role in climate change.
  5. If all fossil fuels were burned, the additional long-term warming would not exceed a few tenths of a degree.
  6. The IPCC has been aware of this fact but has completely ignored it.
  7. As a result, the IPCC has lost its scientific credibility.
  8. The belief in manmade climate change has become a pseudo-religion.
  9. The Second International Conference on Climate Change in NY March 2009 was attended by approximately 800 leading scientists, some of whom are among the world’s best climatologists.
  10. The media has virtually ignored the results of this Conference.

The letter follows:

Grob Glienicke 26.07.09

To the attention of the Honorable Madam Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

When one studies history, one learns that the development of societies is often determined by a zeitgeist, which at times had detrimental or even horrific results for humanity. History tells us time and again that political leaders often have made poor decisions because they followed the advice of advisors who were incompetent or ideologues and failed to recognize it in time. Moreover evolution also shows that natural development took a wide variety of paths with most of them leading to dead ends. No era is immune from repeating the mistakes of the past.

Politicians often launch their careers using a topic that allows them to stand out. Earlier as Minister of the Environment you legitimately did this as well by assigning a high priority to climate change. But in doing so you committed an error that has since led to much damage, something that should have never happened, especially given the fact you are a physicist. You confirmed that climate change is caused by human activity and have made it a primary objective to implement expensive strategies to reduce the so-called greenhouse gas CO2. You have done so without first having a real discussion to check whether early temperature measurements and a host of other climate related facts even justify it.

A real comprehensive study, whose value would have been absolutely essential, would have shown, even before the IPCC was founded, that humans have had no measurable effect on global warming through CO2 emissions. Instead the temperature fluctuations have been within normal ranges and are due to natural cycles. Indeed the atmosphere has not warmed since 1998 – more than 10 years, and the global temperature has even dropped significantly since 2003.

Not one of the many extremely expensive climate models predicted this. According to the IPCC, it was supposed to have gotten steadily warmer, but just the opposite has occurred.

More importantly, there’s a growing body of evidence showing anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role. Indeed CO2’s capability to absorb radiation is almost exhausted by today’s atmospheric concentrations. If CO2 did indeed have an effect and all fossil fuels were burned, then additional warming over the long term would in fact remain limited to only a few tenths of a degree.

The IPCC had to have been aware of this fact, but completely ignored it during its studies of 160 years of temperature measurements and 150 years of determined CO2 levels. As a result the IPCC has lost its scientific credibility. The main points on this subject are included in the accompanying addendum.

In the meantime, the belief of climate change, and that it is man made, has become a pseudo-religion. Its proponents, without thought, pillory independent and fact-based analysts and experts, many of whom are the best and brightest of the international scientific community. Fortunately in the internet it is possible to find numerous scientific works that show in detail there is no anthropogenic CO2 caused climate change. If it was not for the internet, climate realists would hardly be able to make their voices heard. Rarely do their critical views get published.

The German media has sadly taken a leading position in refusing to publicize views that are critical of anthropogenic global warming. For example, at the second International Conference on Climate Change in New York last March, approximately 800 leading scientists attended, some of whom are among the world’s best climatologists or specialists in related fields. While the US media and only the Wiener Zeitung (Vienna daily) covered the event, here in Germany the press, public television and radio shut it out. It is indeed unfortunate how our media have developed – under earlier dictatorships the media were told what was not worth reporting. But today they know it without getting instructions.

Do you not believe, Madam Chancellor, that science entails more than just confirming a hypothesis, but also involves testing to see if the opposite better explains reality? We strongly urge you to reconsider your position on this subject and to convene an impartial panel for the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, one that is free of ideology, and where controversial arguments can be openly debated. We the undersigned would very much like to offer support in this regard.

Respectfully yours,

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Friedrich-Karl Ewert EIKE


Universität. – GH – Paderborn, Abt. Höxter (ret.)


Dr. Holger Thuß

EIKE President

European Institute for Climate and Energy

Signed by

  1. Prof. Dr.Ing. Hans-Günter Appel
  2. Prof. Dr. hab. Dorota Appenzeller Professor of Econometrics and Applied Mathematics, Vice Dean University Poznan, Poland
  3. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bachmann Former Director of the Institute for Vibration Engineering, FH Düsseldorf
  4. Prof. Dr. Hans Karl Barth Managing Director World Habitat Society GmbH – Environmental Services
  5. Dipl. Biologist Ernst Georg Beck
  6. Dr. rer.nat. Horst Borchert Physicist
  7. Dipl. Biol. Helgo Bran Former BW parliamentarian Green Party
  8. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Buse Bio-chemist
  9. Dr.Ing Ivo Busko German Center for Aviation and Aeronautics e.V.
  10. Dr.Ing Gottfried Class Nuclear Safety, Thermo-hydraulics
  11. Dr.Ing Urban Cleve Nuclear physicist, thermodynamics energy specialist
  12. Dr.-Ing Rudolf-Adolf Dietrich Energy expert
  13. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Dietze IPCC Expert Reviewer TAR
  14. Dr. rer. nat Siegfried Dittrich Physical chemist
  15. Dr. Theo Eichten Physicist
  16. Ferroni Ferruccio Zurich President NIPCC-SUISSE
  17. Dr. sc.agr. Albrecht Glatzle Agricultural biologist, Director científico INTTAS, Paraguay
  18. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus-Jürgen Goldmann Geologist
  19. Dr. rer. nat. Josef Große-Wördem Physical chemist
  20. Dipl. Geologist Heinisch Heinisch
  21. Dr. rer.nat. Horst Herman Chemist
  22. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hinz Former University of Münster Institute for Physical Chemistry
  23. Dipl. Geologist Andreas Hoemann Geologist
  24. Dipl. Geologist Siegfried Holler
  25. Dr. rer.nat. Heinz Hug Chemiker
  26. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Hüttner Theoretical Physicist
  27. Prof. Dr. Werner Kirstein Institute for Geography University Leipzig
  28. Dipl. Meteorologe Klaus Knüpffer METEO SERVICE weather research GmbH
  29. Dr. rer. hort. Werner Köster
  30. Dr. rer.nat. Albert Krause Chemist
  31. Drs. Hans Labohm IPCC AR4 Expert Reviewer Dipl. Business / science journalist
  32. Dr. Rainer Link Physicist
  33. Dipl. Physicist Alfred Loew
  34. Prof. Dr. Physicist Horst-Joachim Lüdecke University for Engineering and business of Saarland
  35. Prof. Dr. Horst Malberg University professor em. Meteorology and Climatology / Former Director of the Institute for Meteorology of the University of Berlin
  36. Dr. rer.nat Wolfgang Monninger Geologist
  37. Dipl. Meteorologist Dieter Niketta
  38. Prof. Dr. Klemens Oekentorp Former director of the Geological-Paleolontology Museum of the Westphalia Wilhelms-University Münster
  39. Dr. Helmut Pöltelt Energy expert
  40. Dipl. Meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls Meteorologist
  41. Prof. Dr. Klaas Rathke Polytechnic OWL Dept. Höxter
  42. rof. Dr.-Ing. Sc. D. Helmut Reihlen Director of the DIN German Institute for Standards and Norms i.R.
  43. Prof. Dr. Oliver Reiser University of Regensburg
  44. Dipl. Physicist Wolfgang Riede Physicists ETH
  45. Dipl.- Mineralogist Sabine Sauerberg Geoscientist
  46. Prof. Jochen Schnetger Chemist
  47. Prof. Dr. Sigurd Schulien University instructor
  48. Dr. rer.nat. Franz Stadtbäumer Geologist
  49. Dr. rer.nat. Gerhard Stehlik Physical chemist
  50. Dipl. Ing. (BA) Norman Stoer System administrator
  51. Dr. rer.nat.habil Lothar Suntheim Chemist
  52. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Thieme Technical assessor
  53. Dr. phil. Dipl. Wolfgang Thüne Mainz Ministry of Environment Meteorologist
  54. Dr. rer. oec. Ing. Dietmar Ufer Energy economist, Institute for Energy Leipzig
  55. Prof. Dr. Detlef von Hofe Former managing director of the DVS
  56. Dipl Geographist Heiko Wiese Meteorologist
  57. Dr.rer.nat. Erich Wiesner Euro Geologist
  58. Dr.rer.nat. Ullrich Wöstmann Geologist
  59. Prof. em. Dr. Heinz Zöttl Soil Sciences
  60. Dr.rer.nat. Zucketto Chemist
  61. Dr. rer.nat. Ludwig Laus Geologist
  62. +6 others

And 189 concerned active citizens, many with distinguished professional titles.

[Update: August 9, 2009: Organizers released the names of 64 more scientists who endorse the Open Letter. This brings the total number of skeptical scientists who signed the letter to over 130.]

Ing. stands in german for engineer, (Dipl. Ing or Ing. etc)
Dr. Ing ist an engineer with a PhD. – Prof. Dr. Ing has teached as an Professor on a University.

Additional Names of German Scientists:
Dipl. Ing Paul Allenspacher Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Dipl. Ing M.G. Bury Elektroingenieur
Dipl. Ing Peter Dettmann technischer Umweltschutz
Dipl. Ing Jürgen Seesselberg
Dipl. Ing Georg Völlink Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
Dipl. Ing. Klaus Bark E-Technik
Dipl. Ing. Edgar Bätz EVU Leipzig & Institut für Energetik
Dipl. Ing. Marco Bernardi Kfz-Sachverständiger
Dipl. Ing. Leonhard Bienert Entwicklung Kernenergie ex DDR
Dipl. Ing. Paul Bossert Architekt
Dipl. Ing. Andreas Demming Selbstständiger Ingenieur,
Dipl. Ing. Hakola Dippel Förster
Dipl. Ing. Johannes Drosdeck Maschinenbau Automotive
Dipl. Ing. Klaus Emmerich Heizungsbau
Dipl. Ing. Konrad Fischer Architekt
Dipl. Ing. Jürgen Fuchsberger Architekt
Dipl. Ing. Horst Gampper
Dipl. Ing. Pierre Gosselin Übersetzer Technisches Übersetzungsbüro
Dipl. Ing. Wilfried Heck Elektrotechnik
Dipl. Ing. Bernd Heinmüller Elektrotechnik
Dipl. Ing. Andreas Kaluza Bergbau Ing. Metallurge
Dipl. Ing. Peter Krah MinR a.D.
Dipl. Ing. Raimund Leistenschneider
Dipl. Ing. Michael Limburg; electrical engineering, control technology, Vizepräsident Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie
Dipl. Ing. Hainer Müller
Dipl. Ing. Hans-Jörg Oehm Regierungsbaumeister für Städtebau
Dipl. Ing. Jürgen Roesicke Dipl.- Ing. Industrielle Mikrobiologie
Dipl. Ing. Markus Rustemeier
Dipl. Ing. Michael Schneider Energie + Verfahrenstechnik
Dipl. Ing. Jørgen Sørensen Energieberater
Dipl. Ing. Eberhard C. Stotko Präsident VDSt-Akademie
Dipl. Ing. Erhard Thilo Geschäftsführer a.D
Dipl. Ing. Horst Trippe Entwicklung Automotive
Dipl. Ing. Walter Vollert Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenwesen
Dipl. Ing. Günter Weber Herausgeber Verlagsgruppe ‘markt intern’
Dipl. Ing. (BA) Norman Stoer Systemadministrator
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Gerd Zelck
Dipl. Ing. Dipl-Inform. Ewald Gleixner Software-Entwicklung
Dipl. Ing. FH Johannes Schlorke Elektroniker i. R.
Dipl. Ing. FH. Burckhard H. Adam Energie- und Bauberatung
Dipl. Ing. M.A. Enno Dittmar
Dipl. Ing.oec. Horst Jungnickel ehemals leitender Mitarbeiter in der Energiewirtschaft
Ing. grad. Peter Orth Entwicklung Automotive i.R.
Ing. grad. Christian Ziekow
Ingenieur Jacob Brandt
Obering. i.R. Ludwig Lenniger
Dr. Ing. Richard Bock
Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Brune Energiewirtschaftler
Dr. Ing. Adolf Gärtner
Dr. Ing. Peter Geier Ernergiewirtschaftler
Dr. Ing. Herbert Heuser
Dr. Ing. Dietrich E. Koelle Ingenieurbüro für Systemanalysen
Dr. Ing. Arman Nyilas Ingenieurbüro
Dr. Ing. Friedrich Wilhelm Peppler Kernreaktorsicherheitsexperte
Dr. Ing. Helmut Pöltelt Energieexperte TETRA Energie GmbH Kernenergie
Dr. Ing. Roland Richter Nuklearservice bei der K.A.B. AG Berlin
Dr. Ing. Christian Thoma
Dr. Ing. Dipl.Ing. Oswald Kreitschitz Physiker und Unternehmen
Dr. Ing. Kurt Honrath Technischer Vorstand i.R.
Prof. a.D. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Rauschenfels
Prof. Dr. Ing. Helmut Keutner TFH Berlin FB-VI
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Hofmann Berufsakademie Dresden
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sc. D. Helmut Reihlen Direktor des DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung i.R.
Prof. Dr.Ing. Dieter Ameling Präsident Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl a. D.Prof. Dipl. Ing. Michael Otto

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