Montana Republican leaders support Democrats’ climate fraud

Ed Berry, PhD, Climate Physics, CCM

Montana’s top Republican leaders support the Democrats’ climate fraud that will help Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) take over America.

Here is the most fundamental question about climate politics:

Do you agree or disagree with this climate alarmist statement?

  • The earth is warming as a direct result of human GHG emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels.

There are only two possible answers: YES or NO.

There is no middle.

We know most Democrats will answer YES.

The surprise is most Republican leaders also answer YES.

They pretend they are Republicans by promoting carbon capture and green energy, which cost money and won’t reduce the CO2 level.

Their ignorance means we a pretty much cooked unless we can do something about this Republican delusion.

As Robert Frost said, there are only two roads, and the road we take will make all the difference.

  • The YES-road will tear down America, dumb down our people, and ultimately, make us slaves.
  • The NO-road will build up America, raise our intelligence, and save our freedom.

The good news is we (good scientists) have proved climate alarmism is a fraud.

The bad news is no one will tell you.

Our elected officials, except for a small minority, our lying media, our nutcase university professors, and our incompetent “climate” scientists control the news.

They have brainwashed almost all of us to “believe” the climate fraud.

As Joseph Goebbels wrote,

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Let’s start with some critical information no one will tell you.

In June 2023, Montana lost the Held v Montana (HvM) climate lawsuit. HvM is the first climate lawsuit brought by the public in America.

Montana lost HvM because Montana’s Attorney General Austin Knudsen purposely threw the trial and all America’s conservatives under the bus.

I saw that coming and wrote about this danger in June 2022.

Knudsen stipulated at the beginning of the HvM trial that he agrees with the statement above. In fact, the statement is Knudsen’s exact wording.

Montana appealed its loss to the Montana Supreme Court (MSC). The outcome will determine whether America sinks or swims because HvM will set a climate law precedent for all states and America.

The problem is they did not appeal their climate stipulation. They appealed only legal technicalities that they will likely lose. Their appeals are to make you think they support climate truth. They don’t.

Our Children’s Trust of Oregon began in Montana because it’s easy for power people to control Montana’s elected officials. For all I know, this Republican betrayal of truth and freedom may go all the way to Bill Gates.

As of now, the set climate precedent is a YES answer to the question.

Unless we can do something, Montana has permanently lost the climate part of the lawsuit for America. We are on the YES-road.

We have only one opportunity to overturn HvM’s climate decision.

I wrote an Amicus Brief for Montana that defends climate truth. It will overturn HvM if MSC accepts our brief. For acceptance, we need “parties” to our brief. Being a party is free because I am paying our attorney.

None of our high-level officials will be parties to our brief. Not our governor, not our US Senator, not our candidates for US Senator, and not our two Congressmen.

They are busy promoting their candidate Tim Sheehy, who has money but no experience in holding a government office. Sheehy and US Senator Daines lied about Judge Seeley’s decision on Held v Montana.

They are testing Joseph Goebbels theory of politics. Sheehy sends me four emails every day, assuming that will buy my vote. Sheehy is aligned with the Democrats’ climate change scam.

Our brief may be the best argument for climate truth ever written for the public reader, and you can read it for free.

Here’s how you can help.

We need elected or previously elected officials in any state or the US government to be parties to our Amicus Brief.

We also need non-profit organizations to be parties to our Amicus Brief.

So far, 22 Montana legislators are parties. These are the true patriot warriors who are defending truth in Montana. One is a candidate for governor. We need him to be governor.

You can help save America by being a party to our Amicus Brief

To be a party, send an email to me ( and to our attorney ( asking to be a party.

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