Purchase $27 tickets at Eventbrite.
The Climate Truth Revolution
On Wednesday, October 26, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, at FVCC A&T Room 139
Let’s follow the science.
All their climate claims are based on their assumptions that 3 theories are true.
The scientific method says no one can prove a theory is true, but we can prove a theory is false.
Their Theory (1) says human CO2 causes all the CO2 increase and stays for 1000s of years in the atmosphere.
We show you proof that Theory (1) is false and even a fraud – using their own data.
This proof overturns all climate laws, taxes, consensus, and votes.
You will see and understand the science.
We show you what they can’t tell you because they don’t know the science.
This breakthrough science is presented here for the public for the first time by
Dr. Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, of Bigfork, Montana.
It is from his 2021 peer-reviewed paper.
Get your $27 Ticket on Eventbrite. Link at edberry.com/events
FVCC AT-139 OCT 26 at 6:30-8:30 PM
You will be able to ask questions during the discussion time.
Sponsor: Stand Up America US Foundation standupamericaus.org
*CONTACT: Dr. Ed Berry, Bigfork, ed@edberry.com (406) 471-1464*
Montana physicist finds major error in United Nations climate science
Dr. Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, world recognized climate physics expert, will explain a major scientific error made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) so the public can understand it, on Wednesday evening, October 26, at 6:30 pm at FVCC.
His presentation “The Climate Revolution” is based on his December 2021 peer-reviewed scientific paper that reveals this IPCC error in detail.
Dr. Berry said,
“IPCC’s core theory – that human CO2 drives the increase in atmospheric CO2 – is false. IPCC’s own data show natural CO2 drives the CO2 increase.”
“The discovery of this IPCC error will force a revolution in climate laws, treaties, regulations, taxes, green energy incentives, carbon capture, education, and political positions in elections.”
“Everyone interested in climate change science, especially science teachers, science students, lawyers, political candidates, will want to understand this IPCC error and its consequences, at least to the ‘Al Gore’ science level.”
Stand Up America US Foundation of Bigfork, Montana, is the sponsor of Berry’s talk. (standupamericaus.org)
Dr. Berry said,
“The bottom line is nature has caused over 75% of the CO2 increase. We cannot reduce the CO2 level to 350 ppm by limiting human emissions because nature’s CO2 level is now 385 ppm.”
“That is why the one-year reduction of human CO2 emissions during the pandemic had no measurable effect on the natural continuing increase of CO2.”
UK climate scientist Dr. Richard Courtney was the first to recognize Berry’s work, writing to a large scientific group in November 2019:
“Your ‘physics model’ quantifies the anthropogenic and natural contributions to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration without need for knowledge of rate constants for individual mechanisms. This is a breakthrough in understanding which [others] and myself all failed to make.”
Dr. Berry is a graduate of Caltech, Dartmouth, and the University of Nevada. In high school, he scored a perfect 800 in his SAT while finishing in half the allotted time.
His 1965 theoretical PhD thesis earned him worldwide recognition in climate physics. His PhD mentor, Friedwardt Winterberg –the best student of Physics Nobel Laureate Werner Heisenberg – said Berry was his best student in 50 years.
In 2011, Dr. Berry led the Intervention that caused the Montana Supreme Court to reject a climate petition that would have let Democrats control Montana’s mining, energy, and economy. He saved Montana billions of dollars per year.
Tickets to The Climate Revolution are $27 tickets on Eventbrite. Seats are limited. For more information, go to https://edberry.com/events/
Event Details
- October 26, 2022, Wednesday
- Flathead Valley Community College, A&T Room 139
- Kalispell, Montana
- 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Purchase $27 tickets at Eventbrite.
Typical graph to illustrate a point

This will be the most provocative climate lecture you have ever attended.
Gone are the endless reviews of weather and climate events that are supposed to prove our carbon dioxide emission caused them – because events do not prove their cause.
Gone are the claims of “extensive evidence shows” because no one can prove a theory is true.
You will focus on the one thing that matters most in science: proving a theory is false, because proof that a theory is false overturns all claims that the theory is true.
You will see before your very eyes the scientific destruction of the one theory that “everyone” believes is true.
You will watch in amazement how simple physics proves false the most fundamental theory of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
You will see how the failure of this one IPCC fundamental theory overturns the presumed basis all climate laws, regulations, taxes, and alarmism.
You will learn the real “solution” to climate change is simply the climate truth.