Climate Miracle is an excellent, up-to-date overview of the current “climate change” controversy. It systematically exposes the fallacies behind the climate alarmists’ talking points, while revealing numerous fabricated assumptions driving the IPCC agenda to demonize CO2. It also clearly explains the false logic used to exaggerate the human versus natural CO2 concentrations. If you seek climate logic versus climate lunacy, Climate Miracle is an exceptional resource.
- John D. Shewchuk, CCM
- Eosonde Research Services, LLC.
- Lt Col, USAF, Retired (Advanced Weather Officer)
- Signatory to the CLINTEL’s World Climate Declaration
Dr. Berry is our climate expert. Climate Miracle is essential reading.
- Paul E Vallely, MG US Army (Ret)
- Chairman – Stand Up America US
- Chairman – Legacy National Security Advisory Group
- Founding Member – Citizens Commission on National Security
- Web Site:
I have known Ed (Dr. Berry) for more than a decade and have found him to be one of the more informed individuals on climate cause and effect than anyone I have come in contact with. His straightforward, non-nonsense approach has always been a breath of fresh air in a world where political correctness permeates the very fabric of science instead of the logic and reasoning is deserves. Another well laid out publication that should be well received in the community of his peers. Bravo!!
- Glenn Wehe
- Montana
Ed Berry has performed an extraordinary service to the climate community, science in general, America, and the world by identifying the underlying errors the IPCC has made in its fraudulent claim that human-caused climate change is an existential threat to life on this planet.
Climate Miracle is a popular treatise on the deceptive use of science, so called, to bring about political change in a world fearful of an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The title of his book highlights one critical error the climate alarmists themselves don’t realize – the presence of a supernatural agent required to separate natural carbon dioxide molecules from human-created molecules in the atmosphere needed in their theory.
Without this fictitious agent that Berry calls a demon, the IPCC calculations are just so much gibberish. James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 suggested a similar such demon to refute the idea in thermodynamics that a perpetual motion machine was possible. With similar logic Berry refutes the IPCC prediction that catastrophic climate change is imminent if such a demon isn’t present.
Berry has done his homework using theoretical and data-based analyses to demonstrate the fallacies and the shear lack of proper scientific protocol used in their reports on global climate change to be published in peer-reviewed journals elsewhere. This book is a well-written attempt to summarize the conclusions and consequences of misusing the scientific method for frightening the public into submission to an authoritarian political agenda.
- Larry Vardiman, PhD
- Colorado State University
- Cloud Physicist
- Paleoclimatologist
Thank you, Dr. Berry, for writing this book on climate. It takes one of the monumental confusions of our day and puts in terms we can all understand. It gives us hope at a space in time when climate alarmists bring us none.
- Susan Lake
- Montana
This is a wonderful book, technically correct, lucidly presented, and easily understood by all. It fills a great need to counter environmental brainwashing the world is receiving from the mass media today. I will buy it from Amazon and give it to as many people as I can.
- Cecil Joe Tomlinson
Dr. Ed Berry is a great American climate physicist, educator, and citizen. Everything he does, he does well.
His October 2020 book, Climate Miracle starts out with a great title and photo of the sky, land, and water in Montana. This book addresses climate science, scientific errors and sinister intentions of the United Nations and their Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Scientific Method versus Religion, how the man-made global warming myth was born, and straight-forward conclusions.
Most important is to understand that man-made climate change alarmism intends to deny people access to fossil fuels and all their benefits. It is also to establish a one-world dictatorship government that will impoverish billions of people. Everyone should read this book and educate their elected officials.
- John Shanahan
Al Gore’s inconvenient lies in 2006 were enough to convert me sufficiently to skepticism about the then emerging propaganda of man-made dangerous global warming that I co-founded the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition and have remained its honorary secretary and webmaster ever since.
In that time, I think I have read all of the main literature opposing the alarmism now known as “climate change” because of the cessation of any appreciable warming after the expiry of the late 20th century extreme El Nino.
I thought I knew all the arguments necessary to combat alarmist propaganda, until I saw a draft of Dr Ed Berry’s short treatise, Climate Miracle.
Eminent physicist, Dr Berry has introduced me to two new and compelling arguments demolishing the claims of the UN IPCC and its tax-grabbing minions and exposing them as a litany of lies.
Demolition No 1:
Dr Berry identifies two opposing camps of so-called climate scientists:
(i) the “effects” camp, comprising taxpayer-funded lackeys who have forged what they claim is a “consensus” that emissions by human and animal kind of the trace gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will cause Earth’s temperatures to soar and the seas to rise to swamp low-lying land.
They base their consensus on computer projections into which they have inserted speculative numbers designed to yield the high readings they bleat about, for which their political and would-be world governance wannabes reward them with huge financial grants, mostly from our tax payments.
(ii) the “causes” camp, comprising thousands of independent and retired scientists still searching for real-world answers to what makes our Earth’s weather tick in the natural cycles we have known and adapted to successfully for millennia.
Dr Berry’s explanation of the motives and modus operandi of these two camps easily compels a finding of support for the integrity of the “causes” camp.
Demolition No 2:
Dr Berry identifies three core theories on which the IPCC relies for support for its alarmist propaganda, saying that proof that just one of those three theories is false is enough to render IPCC’s complete theory false.
Dr Berry then demonstrates that IPCC’s core theory is false and blows the IPCC case to smithereens. Buy the book to learn more about the three bogus theories. It’s the first time I’ve seen this argument advanced with such compelling cogency.
- Terry Dunleavy MBE
- Hon Secretary, New Zealand Climate Science Coalition (
- New Zealand Ambassador for the Climate Intelligence Foundation (
Your work is extremely important and enlightening. My Chemical engineering training helps me understand your material balances and I agree that your science is simple, profound and must be used to guide future policies responding to climate change.
I have studied climate data as a curious engineer and found that I disagree with two IPCC narratives.
IPCC’s narrative is “observed seasonal variations of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are caused by vegetation seasonal growth and decay”. I believe that seasonal variations of carbon dioxide are better explained by “global/seasonal changes in absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide by sea water.”
IPCC’s narrative is that “non-GHG factors from human activity on earth’s surface is so small that these effects can be ignored in climate models”. I and Chinese climate scientists see data and logic that indicates “non-GHG factors may be a very large part of any recent warming trends”.
Dr Berry’s conclusion that human carbon dioxide emissions is not an important driver of climate change is a game changer.
All these findings that invalidate IPCC’s narratives have something in common. They are ALL IGNORED (Not disputed!) by mainstream climate scientists. You would think that IF they were WRONG, climate scientists would simply point out the errors in science, data, and logic.
I believe that the US should create a climate change commission made up of thinking engineers and scientists that have NO self interest in the climate change business/politics to evaluate important theories/work such as Dr. Berry’s that challenges IPCC narratives to make sure that future policies are based on sound science.
- Ed Sebesta
Your effort in publishing data concerning matters that many of us believe but don’t have the credibility to publish is most welcome! Good luck! Will promote your book widely.
- Rosemary Falcon
Chapter 7 is most enlightening on the creation of the political movement, and it exposes the underlying intent of the sham.
- Bob Denson
With only a BS degree, and being more in tune with public/media/education relations than hard-core academic facts, the fundamental chemistry of C02 convinces me that our earth’s atmosphere does not and cannot distinguish between natural or human-expelled C02; it’s all the same chemical wherever you find it.
Consequently, it is sobering, scientifically and spiritually, to realize that our intelligently-designed atmosphere has a built-in method for balancing C02 to the levels both needed and tolerable for earth’s living organisms, just as it has been since “the beginning.”
- Bob Webster
Thanks Dr Ed, your logic and simplicity in explaining such complex matters are outstanding. Thanks for debunking lies and pseudoscience of bureaucrats and fake scientists.
Time for truth & honesty to take the lead in climate science!
- Max Polo
- Technical Manager, Energy Division, Cimolai SpA – Italy
What an absolutely compelling demolition of the IPCC’s nonscience (spelling intentional)! It’s by far the best I’ve ever read, and over the 30-odd years that I’ve been a skeptic (as everyone trained in science and engineering should always be), I’ve read quite a few attempts, including some that I’ve written myself.
Peter J. Morgan B.E. (Mech.), Dip. Teaching, Honorary Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Environomics (NZ) Trust, Consulting Forensic Engineer, Marine Designer, Technical Writer, Sub-editor & Technical Editor
Thank you, Ed, for this educational book, that should not be missing in any school or university library.
- Cees De Jong
Congratulations and best wishes with your brilliant book.
- David Whitmore
- Waterlooville UK
Amazing, superb book. A shot at the heart of the beast. In only a few pages you will be absorbed and well informed to fight the good fight with the weapons of climate realism.
- Rodrigo Penna-Firme, PhD
It’s so interesting that the same theme is used both in the promotion of the ‘climate change’ fraud and also presently in the COVID-19 situation, and that same theme can be summed up in one word: ‘FEAR’!
Fear is the ingredient that has influenced politics going way back in human history where someone who is intent on mastery influences the generally-unthinking masses to follow their lead. (And there are several classic examples of this in the 20th Century – Adolf and Josef come to mind! – and look where that got us all.
Ed, well done with your basic explanations of physics, and the idea of a ‘debate’ is a good one.
- Michael Spencer
This is clear, logical, and easy to understand. I would give this book to anyone who is worried about the climate scam. My only reservation is that most of the people I know who believe in human caused climate change are so indoctrinated that they would not be willing to read it. I particularly appreciated the warning in the last chapter about the slow encroachment of communism in the takeover of our institutions.
- James Pearce
A very well-reasoned document. You get over the point that there needs to be solid evidence to back up a guess. The climate models are a joke. I would like to make the point that CO2 is only 1 molecule in 2500. Consider this brave (May 12th, 2012) admission by German Physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Plus:
‘’Ten years ago, I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data—first I started with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged, when I discovered that much of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense, and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day I still feel shame that as a scientist, I made presentations of their science without first checking it. …scientifically it is sheer absurdity to think we can get a nice climate by turning a CO2 adjustment knob”.
Congratulations, and best of luck on Amazon.
- Ian Storey
Quick and concise read. Enjoyed it. Good info that I sort of knew but couldn’t explain it like you did.
- Jimmy Arnold
A lone, self-funded scientist in a small Montana town does research that bright high schoolers can duplicate, proving the carbon cycle is a massive fact of nature and we humans are a tiny part of that natural pattern.
- Fran Tabor
Your book is excellent. Since it is directed largely at the scientifically-challenged among us, I recommend adding an argument that I have used which is not scientific at all but just common sense, an approach is very effective for those without scientific background:
If the people urging laws to reduce CO2 really think the situation is so desperate, why is their only solution one that even they themselves agree will only reduce world temperatures by .02 degrees in 50 years?
(A fact most people are unaware of since it is carefully ignored in mainstream media. You could show the math and list the authorities who have admitted to the .02 degrees figure.)
Why don’t they urge other solutions easily implemented right now, such as not rebuilding on flooded lands and restricting further development along ocean shores, solutions that would be effective whether global warming is happening or not?
And why are they silent about the imminent issue (within 20 years) of future recycling for the millions of solar panels and wind turbines they want to blanket across our land, equipment made of highly poisonous “rare earth” materials?
- Bonnie Chandler
Thanks for this excellent resource. I loved your logical approach to cause and effect. It’s just not possible to reverse these!
- Brinsley Jenkins
Excellent explanation of the climate hoax between Globalist Gore and Wisdom Will followed by concise physics data!
- John A. Bird
Thanks Ed, here’s hoping your book gets the circulation our country desperately needs.
- Dennis G Sandberg
Thanks for the great work you are doing.
- Philip Mulholland
You certainly have a large number of very intelligent people who are interested in the success of your book. Clearly respecting their inputs, no doubt your published work will be much improved, and I look forward to purchasing a copy.
- Richard McFarland
Ed, I’ve followed your development of the physics you used to show the flawed assumptions made about atmospheric CO2 from the IPCC that attribute all of it to human emissions. The development of your arguments is nothing less than phenomenal to their conclusion that now include all of the carbon reservoirs on the earth.
This book is a beautiful summary of these developments and should be read by all to avoid the disastrous public policy mistakes that climate hysterics are making and want to force upon the public due to the flawed science that is being used by the IPCC.
Congratulations on your efforts and hard work, Ed. I hope this book heads for a best seller category to properly educate the citizens of this country about climate and the true non problem human CO2 emissions really are to it and richly rewards you for your efforts to publish sound science.
- Chuck Wiese
- Meteorologist
- Professional Pilot