1. Dr. Ed; I agree with you most of the time, especially on climate change. On the water compact, you said it was pass by a nonpartisian vote, Dr. Ed it was not nonpartisian . The republicans that voted were not Republicians, they were RINO's. This is the reason I want the primary close, only registered republican will be able to vote in our primary. Independents will have to wait till the general election.

    1. Dear Fred, The Water Compact was nonpartisan because we could find the truth about it ONLY by studying the facts. I studied the facts.

      The Republicans who voted against the Compact did not look at facts. They are the ones who made the Compact partisan and this was a big mistake. They believed the Compact an Agenda 21 government conspiracy. Then they invented invalid "reasons" to oppose the Compact. Compact attorneys destroyed ALL the opponents' legal claims. Their nonlegal claims were totally absurd. No sane person who properly reviewed the Compact would have opposed the Compact.

      The Republicans who voted for the Compact were the smart Republicans. Those who voted against it are the real RINOs. They are not conservatives. I will write more on this later.

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