1 thought on “CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time”

  1. https://www.steynonline.com/12856/a-sennight-of-steyn-september-25-october-1
    Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’
    Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’
    Tim died Sept 24th 2022

    We are thrilled to announce the biography of Dr. Tim Ball, ‘Everything reminds me of Tim’. By Marty Ball.
    “A single person alone cannot sum up a life. Thank you to all the people who, through their own memories and relationships with him, helped us tell the story of Tim”
    Find it now at Barnes & Noble :

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The science of the people who want to be FREE

My wife and I won national and world championships in US 7485.


You must understand this to save your freedom.

Human CO2 does  NOT change the climate.

The sun, clouds, and nature control the climate.

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